


时间:2019-01-11 15:37来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
教育统筹局局长李国章Secretary for Education and Manpower Professor Arthur Li Kwok-cheung 教育统筹局常任秘书长罗范椒芬Permanent Secretary for Education and Manpower Mrs Fanny Law Fan Chiu-fun 教育署Education Depart
  会为他的管治注入新思维would inject new thinking into his governance
  会为维港巨星汇事件负责would take the responsibility for the event
  Dr Yeoh was the third minister under Mr Tung's new ministerial system to resign under public pressure.
  落实问责制精神reflect the spirit of the accountability system
  对港人更负责is more accountable to the people of Hong Kong
  愿意辞职以示问责was willing to resign as a show of accountability
  (廉署)的第三把交椅the agency's third-highest official
  Dr Yeoh, 53, will be the second "outsider" to head a policy bureau, following Secretary for Justice Elsie Leung Oi-sie.
  Once you get in, you'll never think about leaving.
  一度被认为是局长的接班人had been expected to step up to the commissioner's job
  八名局长级官员eight director-level officials
  大幅减少津贴slash allowances
  大紫荆勋章the Grand Bauhinia Model
  工程监工work supervisors
  工业贸易署署长何铸明Kevin Ho, Director-General of Trade and Industry
  不再屡行做某事的诺言withdraw one's commitment to do something
  不利于公务员稳定性destabilise the civil service
  不熟悉该部门的运作was unfamiliar with the department's operation
  中央指责她未有全力支持特首have been rebuked by Beijing for not giving enough support to Mr Tung
  互相多了解more mutual understanding
  公务员的晋升机会civil servants' promotion prospects
  The political neutrality of the civil service should be kept intact.
  公务员薪酬制度the pay scale of the civil servants
  公务员体制civil service
  反映某人缺乏领导才能shows the lack of leadership of somebody
  太平绅士Justices of the Peace
  文职人员civilian stuff
  以署理特首的身分in her capacity as Acting Chief Executive
  他上任后的首份施政报告his first report on the work of the government
  His popularity rating remains among the lowest of any government minister.
  He said claims that their friendship turned sour over the battle for the top post were groundless.

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