【词根背单词barr-】 barrage n 阻塞,遮断(barr+age 表名词用捧拦住阻塞); barricade n 障碍物(barr+ic+ade 表名词); barrier n 栅栏(barr+ier); barrister n.(在英国有资格出席高等法庭并辩护的)律师,...
【开心游乐园】 摩天轮:Ferris wheel; 激流勇进:flume ride; 旋转木马:merry-go-round/carousel; 过山车:roller coaster; 碰碰车:bumper cars; 打靶场:shooting gallery; 突降滑道:helter-skelter/slide; 幸运轮...
【马背上的词汇】 公马:stallion; 母马:mare; 小马:pony/colt; 战马:steed; 马嘶:neigh; 赛马:horse race; 赌马:bet on horses; 马厩:stable; 马笼头:bridle; 马蹄:hoof; 马鬃:mane; 马蹬:stirrup; 马...
【趣味词汇】 taste/flavor味道/口味; aftertaste余味; sense of taste味觉; lemon-flavored有柠檬味的; umami鲜味; sour酸的; sweet-and-sour酸甜的; hot/spicy辛辣的; asteless/no taste/bland没味道; bi...
【各种笔】 crayon蜡笔; pastel粉彩笔; chalk粉笔; marker pen记号笔; dip pen蘸水笔; colored pencil彩色铅笔; pencil铅笔; gel pen中性笔; roller ball pen钢珠笔; ballpoint pen圆珠笔; rollerball p...
【晚间福利】 糯米饭Glutinous rice; 卤肉饭Braised pork rice; 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg; 地瓜粥Sweet potato congee; 馄饨面Wonton noodles; 刀削面Sliced noodles; 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles; 麻酱面Sesame p...
【工艺品类型】 handicraft手工艺品; pottery/ceramics陶器; porcelain瓷器; 玉器jade article; embroidery刺绣; statue雕像; pendant挂件; wood figurine木雕; root carving;glasswork玻璃工艺品; crystal...
【发型与理发技艺】 刘海Bangs; 齐刘海Blunt bangs; 直刘海Straight bangs; 斜偏分刘海Side swept bangs (注意,美语里刘海是用bangs,英式是用fringe); 马尾辫Ponytail; 鬓角sideburns; slice削减;...
【go的短语】 1.go after 追求, 2. go along 继续,进行 传播 3.go away 离开 4. go back 回去 5. go by 经过;过去 6.go for a walk 出去散步 7. go for 求得 8. go on doing sth 继续做同一件事 9.go out 出门, 外...
【这样感谢表达更给力】 ①Thanks a million. ②I really appreciate it. ③I can t thank you enough. ④Im so grateful for your help. ⑤Thanks for everything. 回答: ①Forget it(不足挂齿). ②No problem. ③Anytime(不...