1. dog's dinner 大杂烩;混乱的局面;2. dog-tired 筋疲力尽的;
3. dog-eat-dog 自相残杀;狗咬狗;4. dog days 三伏天;大热天;
5. lead a dog's life 过着贫困潦倒的日子;6. rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨;
7. go to the dogs 坠落,潦倒;
~来源于新浪微博 @轻松背单词QSBDC
词汇量测试 http://test.qsbdc.com/?sly
1. dog's dinner 大杂烩;混乱的局面;2. dog-tired 筋疲力尽的;
3. dog-eat-dog 自相残杀;狗咬狗;4. dog days 三伏天;大热天;
5. lead a dog's life 过着贫困潦倒的日子;6. rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨;
7. go to the dogs 坠落,潦倒;
~来源于新浪微博 @轻松背单词QSBDC
词汇量测试 http://test.qsbdc.com/?sly