【sell的用法】 1)hard sell 硬行推销 2)sell a bill of goods 以花言巧语骗取信任 3)sell somebody down the river 出卖某人的利益 4)sell someone short 小看某人 5)sell off 变现;廉价出清 6)sell out 卖完;卖光...
【关于Year的俚语】 1. all year round 一年到头、终年; 2. the seven year itch 七年之痒; 3. put years on 使某人觉得(显得)老些; 4. be light years away from something 遥不可及,或指两个事物截然不同、...
【托福词组:show词组搭配】 1.show in 把领进; 2.show off 炫耀; 3.on show 被展示;上演; 4.in show 表面上;有名无实; 5.talk show 脱口秀;现场访谈; 6.show itself 呈现; 7.show up 显而易见;到...
【派对狂】 give(throw) a party开派对; rave party 大型狂欢派对; booze-up纵酒狂欢的派对; cocktail party鸡尾酒派对; theme party主题派对; bachelor party告别单身汉派对; house-warming party乔迁派对...
【雅思词汇关于吃】 taste/sample/savour品尝; bite/gnaw咬; nibble小口咬; lick舔; suck吸; chew/munch嚼; crunch嘎吱嘎吱地嚼; swallow吞咽; gulp down/gobble/devour狼吞虎咽; chew carefully and swallow...
【化妆品常用英文】 Mascara(睫毛膏); Foundation(粉底); Blusher(腮红); Sunscreen(防晒霜); Concealer(遮瑕膏); Face Powder(散粉); Eye Shadow(眼影); Eyeliner(眼线); Lipst...
【跟Food有关的美语】 ①Butter someone up过分恭维 ②couch potato极为懒惰的人;成天躺着或坐在沙发上看电视的人 ③The big cheese很有影响力的人 ④Go bananas!/Go nuts!发疯的! ⑤Spill the beans泄露...
【包含hand的短语】 come to hand到手; force ones hand迫使做某事; hold hands手牵手; join hands联手; throw up ones hand放弃; tie ones hands使某人受到约束; try ones hand 试着干; hand luggage手提行李...
【各种鞋子】 canvas shoes帆布鞋; slippers拖鞋; court shoes宫廷鞋; flip-flops人字拖; sandals凉鞋; platform shoes厚底鞋; clogs木鞋 (木屐常用geta); ballet flats平底鞋; slingbacks露跟鞋; mules裸...
【经济利润】 income收入; earnings利润,收益; gross income, gross earnings 总收益; gross profit, gross benefit毛利,总利润,利益毛额; net income纯收益,净收入,收益净额; average income平均收入; nat...