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  • 中英成语俚语800对150:感人肺腑 日期:2016-06-21 12:35:02 点击:116 好评:0

    感人肺腑 Come home to one s heart. Tug at ones heart strings. eg:The story came home to the girls heart and she weeped. 同义词:扣人心弦 Pluck at ones heartstrings....

  • 中英成语俚语800对149:甘之如饴 日期:2016-06-21 12:34:36 点击:116 好评:0

    甘之如饴 With relish. Lick ones chops. eg:Tom tasted the dish and smacked his lips, saying: Yummy! 中英俚语俗语来源:文天样正气歌:鼎镬甘如饴,求之不可得。 同义词:津津有味 With gusto. 反义词:苦...

  • 中英成语俚语800对148:甘拜下风 日期:2016-06-21 12:34:09 点击:188 好评:0

    甘拜下风 Lower ones flag. Play second fiddle. Take a back seat. To sit at a persons feet. eg:He is willing to eat humble pie under that scholar after reading his book. 中英俚语俗语来源:左传值十五年:皇天后土,实闻...

  • 中英成语俚语800对147:改邪归正 日期:2016-06-21 12:33:42 点击:194 好评:0

    改邪归正 eg:The thief mended his way and worked as a hawker. 同义词:弃恶从善 Eschew evil, and do good. 反义词:误入歧途 To have gone astray....

  • 中英成语俚语800对146:改头换面 日期:2016-06-21 12:33:14 点击:227 好评:0

    改头换面 A changed version. eg:Its a new deal for a thief to work as a hawker. 中英俚语俗语来源:古今风谣:汉似胡儿胡似汉,改头换面总一般。 同义词:装点门面 Put up a front. 反义词:原封不动...

  • 中英成语俚语800对145:覆水难收 日期:2016-06-21 12:32:46 点击:242 好评:0

    覆水难收 It is no use crying over spilt milk. What is done cant be undone. eg:What you have done is done and it is no use crying over spilt milk. 中英俚语俗语来源:类林:太公曰,若能离更合,覆水定难收。...

  • 中英成语俚语800对144:釜底抽薪 日期:2016-06-21 12:32:21 点击:201 好评:0

    釜底抽薪 Take away fuel, take away flame(fire) . eg:Mark changed his subject to calm the angry crowd, to take away fuel is to take away flame. 中英俚语俗语来源:魏收为侯景叛移梁朝文:抽薪止沸,剪草除根。 反...

  • 中英成语俚语800对143:扶摇直上 日期:2016-06-21 12:31:54 点击:148 好评:0

    扶摇直上 On the upgrade. Step by step the ladder is ascended. On the up and up. eg:Business of the shop is on the upgrade. 中英俚语俗语来源:庄子逍遥游:持扶摇羊角而上者九万里。 同义词:蒸蒸日上 Grow...

  • 中英成语俚语800对142:扶危济困 日期:2016-06-21 12:31:27 点击:153 好评:0

    扶危济困 Be a good Samaritan. Help a lame dog over a stile. eg:Be a good Samaritan and contribute much to the fund. 中英俚语俗语来源:水浒记传奇:宋公明他扶危济困隐功曹。 同义词:见义勇为 Do a good t...

  • 中英成语俚语800对141:敷衍了事 日期:2016-06-21 12:30:54 点击:153 好评:0

    敷衍了事 Huddle over ones duty. To muddle through. eg:You huddle over your duty by your yes or no but no explanation to my question. 反义词:兢兢业业 Keep ones nose down to the grindstone....
