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  • 英语俚语习语小对话(100)"增强加强"英语怎么说 日期:2018-02-17 11:43:53 点击:184 好评:0

    A:What did her boss say to you? 老板对你说什么了? B:He asked me to beef up in the work. 他让我在工作中提起精神。 A:Yeah. You look so unhappy recently. Whats the matter. 是啊。最近看起来你不大高兴。有什么...

  • 英语俚语习语小对话(99)"专心致志"英语怎么说 日期:2018-02-17 11:42:59 点击:271 好评:0

    A:You look pale recently. 你最近脸色有些苍白。 B:Yeah. I have got much pressure in the company. I have to be wrapped up in my work. 是啊,在公司工作很多压力,我不得不全身心地投入工作。 A:Take good care of...

  • 英语俚语习语小对话(98)"应接不暇"英语怎么说 日期:2018-02-17 11:42:19 点击:116 好评:0

    A:You seem to very busy these days. What are you doing? 你最近看起来很忙。你在干什么呀? B:Iam swapped with work after 10-day holiday. 我休了10天的假,假期过后有一大堆工作要做。 A:Where did you spend your...

  • 英语俚语习语小对话(97)"酒后之勇"英语怎么说 日期:2018-02-17 11:41:17 点击:199 好评:0

    A:Does Tom drink a lot? 汤姆喝酒喝得很多吗? B:Yes, he does. He often has had one to many. But I advised him not to drink too much, he just boasted that he had hollow legs and nobody had ever drunk him under the table. 是的,他经...

  • 英语俚语习语小对话(96)"吹毛求疵"英语怎么说 日期:2018-02-17 11:40:10 点击:244 好评:0

    英语情景对话: A:My son is always complaining that I dump on him. He was very rude and told me to mind my own business. I cannot put up with that. 我的儿子总是抱怨我对他太挑剔了,他很不客气,让我管好自己就行...

  • 英语俚语习语小对话(95)"轻而易取的事情" 日期:2018-02-06 12:29:25 点击:219 好评:0

    英语情景对话: A:Tom, is Jenny crying? Tom, Jenny是不是在哭? B:Can you take he away from me? 你能把她弄走吗? A:Im just coming for that. 就来。 B:She kept bothering me. 她不停地烦我。 A:Shes your sister. What...

  • 英语俚语习语小对话(94)"逼上绝路"英语怎么说 日期:2018-02-06 12:27:16 点击:168 好评:0

    drive sb. up a wall 解词释义: up to a wall是指到了墙边,已经没路可走了,比喻人走投无路。短语drive sb up to a wall则指把某人逼上绝路,亦可做push sb to a wall。 支持范例: That guy in the next...

  • 英语俚语习语小对话(93)"根除废除"英语怎么说 日期:2018-02-06 12:26:05 点击:271 好评:0

    do away with 解词释义: 这是一条非常常用的英语习惯用语。其本义是废除,结束,去掉。此外,这条习惯用语有是可以指干掉,处理掉,杀掉。 支持范例: Eg. They decided to do away with th...

  • 英语俚语习语小对话(92)"诽谤诋毁"英语怎么说 日期:2018-02-06 12:24:24 点击:185 好评:0

    dig dirt about somebody 解词释义: dig dirt about somebody是美国俚语,字面意思是挖某人的东西,其实际意思是讲某人的坏话揭露别人丑事 。 支持范例: Eg.You are ready to talk dirty about men. 你动不...

  • 英语俚语习语小对话(91)"精疲力尽"英语怎么说 日期:2018-02-06 12:22:57 点击:172 好评:0

    dead beat 解词释义:此成语是俚语,是exhausted to the point of being dead的省略语。Beat是beaten(精疲力尽或精神沮丧)的古体词;而dead是死的,它是death(死亡)苏格兰方言。因此,dead beat就...
