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  • 《查理和巧克力工厂》电影台词(50) 日期:2015-02-25 20:58:33 点击:347 好评:0

    [01:46.14]每个频道都看看 我开始担心了 Try every channel. Im starting to feel a little anxious. [01:54.75]-他在那里 -麦克 -There he is. -Mike. [01:57.22]我们至今学会的... The most important thing... [01:59.09]最重要...

  • 《查理和巧克力工厂》电影台词(49) 日期:2015-02-25 20:57:49 点击:327 好评:0

    [04:50.16]能不能传送别的东西? So can you send other things? [04:52.26]比如早餐谷片? Say, like, breakfast cereal5? [04:54.39]你知道早餐谷片是什么做的吗? Do you have any idea what breakfast cereals made of? [04:57....

  • 《查理和巧克力工厂》电影台词(48) 日期:2015-02-25 20:57:19 点击:257 好评:0

    [02:30.88]这是基本原理 Same basic principle. [02:64.28]不见了 Its gone. [02:66.95]我就说嘛 那块巧克力正从我们头顶上飞过... Told you. That bar of chocolate is now rushing through the air above our heads... [02:71.1...

  • 《查理和巧克力工厂》电影台词(47) 日期:2015-02-25 20:56:52 点击:200 好评:0

    [00:70.93]然后到另一端重新组合... then reassemble it on the other end... [00:72.97]我何不用巧克力试试看呢? why cant I do the same with chocolate? [01:15.47]把一块真正的巧克力糖 透过电视传送 伸手就能吃...

  • 《查理和巧克力工厂》电影台词(46) 日期:2015-02-25 20:55:46 点击:152 好评:0

    [03:60.73]糖果是在浪费时间 Candy is a waste of time. [03:64.57]我儿子绝对不可能去做巧克力 No son of mine is going to be a chocolatier. [03:68.34]那我逃走算了 Then Ill run away. [03:70.07]逃去瑞士或巴伐利亚...

  • 《查理和巧克力工厂》电影台词(45) 日期:2015-02-04 21:34:32 点击:409 好评:0

    [01:18.23]真的吗? 太好了 Oh, really? Oh, good. [01:20.83]我刚才得知焚化炉坏掉了 Ive just been informed that the incinerators broken. [01:23.47]所以他们应该会落在垃圾堆上 So there should be about three weeks of...

  • 《查理和巧克力工厂》电影台词(44) 日期:2015-02-04 21:33:49 点击:324 好评:0

    [03:46.51]懂吗? Okay? [04:25.75]维露卡索尔特 这个小野蛮 Veruca Salt, the little brute [04:29.09]刚落下了垃圾滑槽 Has just gone down the garbage chute [04:32.36]她沿着垃圾滑槽落到下面 And she will meet, as she...

  • 《查理和巧克力工厂》电影台词(43) 日期:2015-02-04 21:33:28 点击:227 好评:0

    [01:73.38]不对 不是那 No. Its not that one. [02:27.19]找到了 There it is. [02:29.10]找错了 There it isnt. [02:30.50]爸爸 叫它们住手! Daddy, I want them to stop. [02:42.98]它们在干嘛? What are they doing? [02:44.58]它们...

  • 《查理和巧克力工厂》电影台词(42) 日期:2015-02-04 21:32:50 点击:392 好评:0

    [04:57.34]和一只笨颊鼠 我要一只松鼠! and a silly old hamster. I want a squirrel! [04:61.01]好吧 爸爸会想办法 All right, pet. [04:62.41]尽快给你一只松鼠 Daddy will get you a squirrel as soon as he possibly can. [0...

  • 《查理和巧克力工厂》电影台词(41) 日期:2015-02-04 21:32:24 点击:174 好评:0

    [03:33.09]你是用海佛麦四千型来分类吗? Are you using the Havermax 4000 to do your sorting? [03:36.66]不是 No. [03:38.46]你真是个怪人 Youre really weird. [03:61.25]-松鼠 -对 松鼠 -Squirrels. -Yeah. Squirrels. [03:64....
