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  • 英语新闻词汇:“公筷”的英文正确说法是? 日期:2022-11-15 09:34:14 点击:266 好评:0

    For use in distributing food or drink 用以分配食物或饮品的 serving chopsticks 公筷 lie in 赖床 On one occasion in Palm Beach, Rose, irked by Jackies penchant for sleeping late, inquired of Mary Gallagher, who was Roses secreta...

  • 英语新闻词汇:“折柳寄情”这份中国浪漫 日期:2022-11-15 09:32:53 点击:293 好评:0

    What Does the Willow Twig at the Olympics Closing Ceremony Symbolize? 折柳寄情,外媒科普这份中国浪漫,网友惊叹太美了! The performers beautifully interacted with a LED floor to show imagery of the willow, one that sh...

  • 英语新闻词汇:怎么样做才能延长手机电池寿命 日期:2022-11-15 09:31:50 点击:326 好评:0

    Stop charging your phone to 100% once a day and other battery-saving tips 别再把手机电量一次性充满了!这样做才能延长手机电池寿命 DONT: Burn out your battery 错误做法:屏幕常亮、频繁关闭应用、过冷过...

  • 英语新闻词汇:濒死者大脑中会“回放”什么? 日期:2022-11-15 09:30:47 点击:253 好评:0

    Life may actually flash before your eyes on death - new study 新研究证实:濒死者大脑中会回放人生重要片段 New data from a scientific accident has suggested that life may actually flash before our eyes as we die. 一场科学...

  • 英语新闻词汇:管理层女性占比高的公司 日期:2022-11-15 09:29:08 点击:187 好评:0

    Companies with female leaders outperform those dominated by men, data shows 调查发现:管理层女性占比高的公司盈利能力更强 Women should play a central role in the post-pandemic economic recovery, with evidence revealing...

  • 英语新闻词汇:新疗法让中年老鼠“重返青春” 日期:2022-11-15 09:27:14 点击:256 好评:0

    Ageing reversal: scientists rejuvenate tissues in middle-aged mice 科学家新疗法让中年老鼠重返青春 Researchers in the US treated healthy mice with a form of gene therapy that refreshed older cells, making the animals more yout...

  • 英语新闻词汇:古特雷斯秘书长2022年国际妇女节 日期:2022-11-15 09:25:41 点击:174 好评:0

    Message by UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres on International Womens Day 联合国秘书长安东尼奥古特雷斯国际妇女节致辞 8 March 2022 2022年3月8日 On International Womens Day, we celebrate women and girls everywhere. 值...

  • 英语新闻词汇:科学家发现蚂蚁能嗅出癌症 日期:2022-11-15 09:25:25 点击:160 好评:0

    Ants have the ability to sniff out cancer in humans, study reveals 科学家发现蚂蚁能嗅出癌症 比狗更胜一筹 Ants have the ability to sniff out cancerous cells in humans, a new study has discovered, suggesting they could be us...

  • 英语新闻词汇:年度热门书单来了,榜首竟然是 日期:2022-11-15 09:22:18 点击:214 好评:0

    Annual reports and lists by different platforms show that psychology, comics about history, and works of literature were the most popular book categories among Chinese readers in 2021, reflecting the major concerns and topics in society. 不同...

  • 英语新闻词汇:"AA 制" 里的“A”分别代表哪两 日期:2022-07-21 16:14:46 点击:621 好评:0

    AA制的A是什么意思? AA制:AlgebraicAverage algebraic[ˌldʒɪˈbreɪɪk]adj.代数的 average[ˈvərɪdʒ]adj.平均的 AA制里的两个A代表了algebraic和average。 字面意思就是代数平均,真正的意思是几个人均...
