

天籁英文音乐 - 315、Sharon Corr-So Long Ago

时间:2014-09-04 21:01来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
继可儿家族的主场Andrea推出自己的个人专辑《Ten Feet High》后,作为可儿家族的老大姐Sharon,在这几年也开始筹备自己的新专辑《Dream Of You》。 Sharon Corr是可儿家族这个家族乐团中的大姐
  • 继可儿家族的主场Andrea推出自己的个人专辑《Ten Feet High》后,作为可儿家族的老大姐Sharon,在这几年也开始筹备自己的新专辑《Dream Of You》。
    Sharon Corr是可儿家族这个家族乐团中的大姐,家中排行第二,6岁开始学习小提琴。在小的时候(大概7—14岁)Sharon加入了少年乐队,并在当地小有名气。长大后变跟家里的弟弟妹妹组成了现在著名的可儿家族乐队。
    So Long Ago
    Sharon Corr
    I heard you cry out in your sleep
    But I just turned and walked away
    Cos I've no warmth in my body
    I have nothing left to give
    Cos there's no questions, no answers
    That could bring you any hope
    And the only way out is through it
    But I don't even want to try
    Now it's so long ago
    But it's so long forever
    And it's so long ago
    And I'm still wishing you were here once more
    My arms lie limp by my side
    Cos I have nothing left to hold
    And if I could I'd make it better
    Bring back yesterday, I would
    But there's no questions, no answers
    That could you bring me any hope
    And my only way out is through it
    But I don't even want to try
    Now it's so long ago
    But it's so long forever
    And it's so long ago
    And I'm still wishing you were here once more
    The sun is shining I don't see you
    The moon is rising I still need you
    The tide is turning but there's nothing I can do
    Cos it's so long ago
    But it's so long forever
    And it's so long ago
    And I'm still wishing you were here once more

    英 [wɔ:mθ] 美 [wɔ:rmθ]
    n.温暖,暖和; 热情,热心; 激动; 诚恳
    英 [lɪmp] 美 [lɪmp]
    n.跛行; 挣扎着慢慢前进; (诗的)韵律紊乱
    vi.一瘸一拐地走; 困难地航行
    adj.无力的; 无生气的; 易弯的; 松软的

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