


时间:2016-05-03 21:34来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:18.34](imitating chicken clucking) [00:20.71](all laughing) [00:24.85]All right. All right. 好吧,好吧 [00:26.97]Yeah? 同意了? [00:28.48]We got ourselves a bet, okay? 就这么定了,行吗? [00:29.48]All right. 可以 [00
  •   [00:18.34](imitating chicken clucking)
      [00:20.71](all laughing)
      [00:24.85]All right. All right. 好吧,好吧
      [00:26.97]Yeah? 同意了?
      [00:28.48]We got ourselves a bet, okay? 就这么定了,行吗?
      [00:29.48]All right. 可以
      [00:31.89]Good. Yes. 很好,很好
      [00:32.22]Good. Good. 很好 很好
      [00:34.37]See you tomorrow. 明天见
      [00:35.52]Okay. Good. 好
      [00:42.93]Yeah, I think we’re gonna have to cut you off, sir. 呃,先生,我想你可不能再喝了
      [00:47.78]Ooh. 噢
      [00:49.19]Not a chance. Gotta go feed the meter. 不必了,我还得接着跑步呢
      [00:50.67]Line ’em up. 收拾一下
      [00:55.89]Your wife told me about 你老婆把你和你爸打赌的事
      [00:57.74]the bet you made with your old man. 告诉我了
      [01:00.85]Oh, yeah? What of it? 哦,是吗?有什么不妥吗?
      [01:02.22]I think maybe 我觉得也许你
      [01:03.26]We played the easy part of our schedule. 我们之前的几场比赛都比较容易
      [01:03.48]you’re getting ahead of yourself. 有点玩过头了
      [01:06.67]just to make the semifinals. 才能进入半决赛
      [01:07.00]We gotta win five games in a row 我们还得在小组赛里再赢五场
      [01:09.52]So maybe you should-- 所以,也许你应该
      [01:11.00]Maybe you should worry more about the team 也许你应该多操心球队的事
      [01:12.41]and less about the schedule. 少操心赛程的事
      [01:12.82]There’s a lot of slothfulness going on. 还有很多人在偷懒呢
      [01:14.26]What? 什么?
      [01:16.41]Slothfulness? 偷懒?
      [01:17.52]Yeah. 没错
      [01:19.15]Let’s go, Tigers. Bring it in. 队员们,集合一下

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      足球老爹      

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