


时间:2016-04-30 12:32来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:19.15]Lets go, Tigers. Bring it in. 队员们,集合一下 [01:20.56]Bring it in, guys. 大家集合一下 [01:22.34]Lets go. 快点 [01:22.70]Grab some bench. 找位子坐好 [01:25.08]Look how much time it takes for them to come in.
  •   [01:19.15]Let’s go, Tigers. Bring it in. 队员们,集合一下
      [01:20.56]Bring it in, guys. 大家集合一下
      [01:22.34]Let’s go. 快点
      [01:22.70]Grab some bench. 找位子坐好
      [01:25.08]Look how much time it takes for them to come in. 你看光集个合就得花多少时间
      [01:27.85]Take a seat. Let’s go. 快点坐好
      [01:28.85]Okay, guys. 好了,各位,
      [01:31.37]I had you come here early today, 我今天特意让大家提前过来
      [01:35.11]so we could talk about some sloppy1 play. 主要是想跟大家谈谈我们现在球风懒散的问题
      [01:39.63]It’s come to my attention 近来,我注意到了这个
      [01:40.63]that lately, I’ve noticed 很严重的问题 我发现
      [01:42.63]a general, blatant2 disregard 大家普遍对我们制定的比赛计划
      [01:46.00]for our game plan. 非常的不重视
      [01:47.56]Ambrose. 安布罗斯
      [01:49.04]Yeah? 到?
      [01:50.19]I saw a bunch of nonsense out there. 我发现上周你的表现有些钝
      [01:50.60]What was going through your head out there last week? 你脑子里究竟在想些啥?
      [01:52.97]I was breaking my back for you, Coach, 教练,虽然因为你我背部受了伤
      [01:56.30]because of my love for the game. 但我还是喜欢踢球

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