


时间:2015-07-30 12:37来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:51.58]No. But two years seems possible. 是不行,但是两年应该是可以的 [02:00.90]Julia. Julia [02:05.46]What if they transfer1 me someplace else? 那如果他们把我调到别的地方呢? [02:05.78]Would they do that? 他们
  •   [01:51.58]No. But two years seems possible. 是不行,但是两年应该是可以的
      [02:00.90]Julia. Julia
      [02:05.46]What if they transfer1 me someplace else? 那如果他们把我调到别的地方呢?
      [02:05.78]Would they do that? 他们会这么做吗?
      [02:09.54]Yes. 会的
      [02:10.46]They don’t really care about me. 他们并不真正的关心我
      [02:13.70]Paul. Of course they do. Paul,他们当然关心你了
      [02:19.58]They don’t, really. 他们真的不
      [02:23.90]Well, if we can’t stay in Paris, 如果我们不能待在巴黎
      [02:26.34]then I’ll just mail the pages to Louisette and Simca 那我只能把做好的这些寄给Louisette和Simca了
      [02:30.42]and they can mail them back to me. 然后她们可以再回寄给我
      [02:30.94]That’s why they invented the mail system and carbon paper and onionskin copies, 这就是人们发明邮寄系统和复写纸还有半透明纸的原因
      [02:34.90]or I can just jump on the train to Paris 或者我可以跳上去巴黎的火车
      [02:38.06]whenever the three of us absolutely have to work together, you know. 你也知道,不论何时,我们三个一定是要在一起工作的
      [02:42.94]Or the two of us, actually, because as we know, Louisette does next to nothing. 事实上,是我们两个 因为Louisette什么也没做
      [02:50.94]But we would still be somewhere in Europe. 但是我们还是在欧洲啊
      [02:54.10]Don’t you think? 你不这么认为吗?

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