


时间:2017-12-13 12:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:34.84]Thatd be great. Good idea. 太好了,好主意 [00:44.60]I have nipples. Can you milk me? 我有奶头,你可以挤吗? [00:46.36]Well, in a funny way youve already seen Debs ring. 有趣,你见过黛碧的戒指了 [00:51.
  • [00:34.84]That'd be great. Good idea. 太好了,好主意
    [00:44.60]"I have nipples. Can you milk me?" 我有奶头,你可以挤吗?
    [00:46.36]Well, in a funny way you've already seen Deb's ring. 有趣,你见过黛碧的戒指了
    [00:51.36]Mm-hm. That's true. 是的
    [00:55.16]Would anybody care for some of Oyster2 Bay's finest champagne? 有人想喝蚝湾最好的香槟吗?
    [00:57.52]That is so sweet of you. Isn't that a nice gesture? 你真懂事,想得多周到
    [01:03.36]Yeah, very nice. 对,很周到
    [01:03.76]How could I have seen Debbie's ring? 我怎么会见过黛碧的戒指?
    [01:05.28]When I gave Bob the Ok, I put him in touch with my diamond guy 我同意勃比求婚时 把我的珠宝商介绍给了他
    [01:10.44]and he picked the exact same design that k evin gave you. 他挑的跟凯文给你的那只一样
    [01:16.28]- k evin your old boyfriend? - Thanks, Dad. - 凯文,你的旧男友? - 多谢,爸爸
    [01:20.68]k evin was Pam's fiance. 凯文曾是白梅的未婚夫
    [01:28.76]- Oh! - Oh, my God! 我的天!
    [01:30.32]Jinxy, no! Psst! 黑仔,不!
    [01:34.12]- Ohh... - Jinxy, no! 黑仔,不!
    [01:41.56]Greg, sweetie, how are you doing? 阿基,你怎么样?
    [01:43.12]Fine, considering I desecrated3 your grandma's remains4, 还好,我亵渎了你奶奶的骨灰
    [01:47.80]found out you were engaged and had your father ask me to milk him. 发现你订过婚 你爸爸叫我挤他的奶

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