


时间:2017-12-13 12:13来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:53.96]Wow, Dina, everything looks fabulous 5 . 哇,迪娜,好丰富啊 [03:56.32]Its such a treat to have a home-cooked meal like this. 能吃到这种家常饭菜 真是好福气 [04:01.20]Dinner at my house meant fighting over cont
  • [03:53.96]Wow, Dina, everything looks fabulous5. 哇,迪娜,好丰富啊
    [03:56.32]It's such a treat to have a home-cooked meal like this. 能吃到这种家常饭菜 真是好福气
    [04:01.20]Dinner at my house meant fighting over containers of Chinese food. 我家吃饭通常是 抢夺外卖的中餐
    [04:04.20]Oh, you poor thing! There wasn't enough food to go around? 真可怜!够吃的吗?
    [04:10.96]No, there was. We just never really sat down like a family like this. 够了,只是我们 从没这样坐下来吃饭
    [04:18.08]Uh, well, Greg's Jewish, Dad. You know that. 阿基是犹太人,爸,你知道
    [04:20.92]You're telling me the Jews don't pray, honey? 你是说犹太人吃饭不祈祷?
    [04:25.56]Unless you have some objection? 除非你反对
    [04:27.96]No, no, no. I'd love to. 不,我喜欢祈祷
    [04:29.96]Pam, it's not like I'm a rabbi or something. 我又不是教士
    [04:30.16]I've said grace at many... a dinner table. 我在很多晚餐上...祈祷过
    [04:43.44](Greg) Ok. 好
    [04:48.92]Oh...dear God... 亲爱的上帝...
    [04:54.12]Thank you. 感谢你
    [04:57.16]You are such a good God to us. A kind and gentle and... 你对我们这么好 慈悲、温柔...
    [00:02.16]accommodating...God. ...随和的神
    [00:07.72]And we thank you, O, sweet, sweet Lord of Hosts, 我们感谢你,甜美的主啊
    [00:13.96]for the... 因为...
    [00:17.96]..smorgasbord you have so aptly lain at our table this day... 你今天给我们摆下了盛宴
    [00:23.00]and each day...by day... 而且每天如此...
    [00:29.56]Day by day...by day. 每天...每日
    [00:33.16]O...dear Lord, three things we pray. 亲爱的神呀 我们祈求三样东西

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