


时间:2017-12-08 12:37来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:52.28]I dont know. We havent discussed it, but, 不知道,我们没真正商量过 [03:55.44]I definitely have the feeling this is it. 但我有种感觉就是他 [04:00.12]爸好像蛮喜欢他的,是不是? [04:03.80]Absolutely. 绝
  • [03:52.28]I don't know. We haven't discussed it, but, 不知道,我们没真正商量过
    [03:55.44]I definitely have the feeling this is it. 但我有种感觉就是他
    [04:03.80]Absolutely. 绝对喜欢
    [04:11.88]It's a big day Saturday. 星期六很忙
    [04:14.32]Yes. 对
    [04:15.00]This car's... 这辆车...
    [04:19.32]You got... What do you use, unleaded, regular unleaded? 用什么汽油?无铅、普通无铅?
    [04:20.16]- Premium8. - Uh-huh. 高级汽油
    [04:27.64]Hey, Jack, now that... Now that we have a second to talk, 杰克,现在我们有时间谈话了
    [04:30.44]I just want you to know how much Pam means to me. 我想告诉你白梅对我多么重要
    [04:36.92]I know we haven't been together that long, 我知道我俩交往没多长时间
    [04:38.08]but the time that we have spent together has been incredible. 但我们在一起时非常开心
    [04:41.36]Greg, how come you don't like cats? 阿基,你怎么会不喜欢猫?
    [04:47.92]I don't not like cats. 我不是不喜欢猫
    [04:50.04]I just...I just prefer dogs. 我只是...比较...喜欢狗
    [04:53.72]I mean, I'm just more of a dog kind of... You know. 我只是那种比较喜欢狗的人
    [04:56.96]You come home, they're... 你回家时它们会...
    [04:59.36]wagging their little tails, happy to see you. 摇着小尾巴,见到你很开心

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