


时间:2017-11-13 12:25来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:10.76]Once again, closure. 再一次,划下句点了 [02:21.64](葛兰考伯餐厅) [02:25.72]-Well, here we are. - Harry 5 , why dont you take it. -到了 -哈利,你先坐吧 [02:26.56]No, no. I think Im gonna walk. You
  • [02:10.76]Once again, closure. 再一次,划下句点了
    [02:25.72]-Well, here we are. -Harry5, why don't you take it. -到了 -哈利,你先坐吧
    [02:26.56]No, no. I think I'm gonna walk. You two take it. 不,我想走路 你们坐吧
    [02:31.72]-Harry. -Doc. Thanks for everything. -哈利 -医生,谢谢你所做的一切
    [02:31.96]Well. 这样啊
    [02:36.24]-Stay well. -Well, this was fun. -你保重 -我很开心
    [02:40.52]And it was so great to see you. Honest. So.... 很高兴能见到你,真的,好了…
    [02:47.84]It was great to see you. 我也很高兴能见到你
    [02:51.04]Look... 嗯…
    [02:52.92]-...Erica, if you ever-- -No. -爱莉卡,若是你有… -不…
    [03:02.04]-Take care of yourself, Harry. -Yeah, I will. You too. -你自己保重 -我会的,你也一样
    [03:09.64]It's cold, huh? 冷死人了
    [04:11.96]Look who gets to be the girl. 我居然躲在这里掉眼泪
    [04:19.12]Anything else? 还会有什么更离谱的?
    [04:38.12]-Where's Julian? -He's back at the hotel. -朱利安呢? -他在饭店里
    [04:42.76]He said when he saw me with you... 他说看到我和你在一起…
    [04:44.96]...he knew that I was still in love with you. 他就知道我还爱着你
    [04:51.12]What do you have to say about that? 你作何感想?
    [04:54.88]If it's true, my life just got made. 若是真的,那我就重生了
    [05:01.08]Why'd you come here, Harry? 你为何要来这里?
    [05:05.64]Turns out the heart attack was easy to get over. 我发现心脏病还比较容易治愈
    [05:11.03]You... 至于你…
    [05:13.27]...were something else. I finally get what it's all about. 真的很难忘怀 我终于明白什么叫恋爱
    [05:17.97]I'm 63 years old, and I'm in love... 我六十三岁了 才坠入爱河
    [05:26.35]...for the first time in my life. 生平第一次
    [05:31.05]That's what I came here to say. 我就是要来告诉你这些的
    [05:37.56]Harry. 哈利!
    [06:12.29]-Sanborn. -Mr. Sanborn. -我是赛伯恩 -赛伯恩先生
    [06:15.30]Four and a half. 四个大人 还有一个小孩
    [06:18.07]Got your table waiting. 座位都准备好了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱是妥协      

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