


时间:2017-11-02 12:14来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:14.08]...quite like this. 像这种感觉 [00:15.44]And when something happens to you thats never happened to you before... 当这种前所未有的感觉出现了 [00:19.24]...dont you have to find out what it is? 至少要去一探究竟
  • [00:14.08]...quite like this. 像这种感觉
    [00:15.44]And when something happens to you that's never happened to you before... 当这种前所未有的感觉出现了
    [00:19.24]...don't you have to find out what it is? 至少要去一探究竟吧
    [00:22.88]I don't know. This is an area that's a little tricky1 for me. 我不知道,这种事我不太懂
    [00:27.20]See, I don't really date all that much or all that well. 我没交过几个男友
    [00:28.56]Come on. You must beat them away with a stick. 少来,一定是被你赶跑了
    [00:33.36]-You're kidding, right? -No. -你在开玩笑吧? -不是
    [00:35.44]No! Men my age, or at least the ones I've met, well.... 不是,我这个年纪的男人 至少我遇过的…
    [00:39.68]I'm not that regular of a person, and they really like regular. 我不是典型的女人 他们喜欢典型的女人
    [00:43.16]Men your age may be really stupid. Did you ever think of that? 你那个年纪的男人太笨了 你没想过吗?
    [00:46.64]Yes, I have. Many times. 有啊,很多次了
    [01:01.36]I knew you'd smell good. 我就知道你身上很香
    [01:03.08]It's just soap. 只是香皂的味道
    [01:03.56]-Erica, you're incredibly sexy. -No. -爱莉卡,你好性感 -才怪
    [01:11.52]Swear to God, I'm not. 我对天发誓,我一点都不性感
    [01:58.12]I'm back! 我回来了
    [02:00.72]Have fun? 好玩吗?
    [02:03.92]It was interesting. 很有意思
    [02:08.20]Good night, Harry2. 晚安,哈利
    [02:13.08]Good night. 晚安
    [02:22.28]Just get rid of that. That's good. 删掉,很好
    [02:27.04]“Harry37. What are you doing?” “哈利37:你在干嘛?”
    [02:33.00]Harry37? 哈利37?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱是妥协      

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