


时间:2017-10-31 12:28来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:05.72]No. 没有 [00:05.88]We havent. Youre correct on that one. 还没上过床,你说对了 [00:11.80]Something to live for. 值得为此而活下去 [00:22.88]Down to the cheek. 才亲脸颊而已 [00:32.92]Hold on, Tarzan, were
  • [00:05.72]No. 没有
    [00:05.88]We haven't. You're correct on that one. 还没上过床,你说对了
    [00:11.80]Something to live for. 值得为此而活下去
    [00:22.88]Down to the cheek. 才亲脸颊而已
    [00:32.92]Hold on, Tarzan, we're still moving. Slowly. 等等,老兄,我还在推耶 慢慢来
    [00:37.88]Hey, l-- 嘿,我…
    [00:44.08]Harry, I'm sorry but I can't let you travel quite yet. 抱歉,你还不能远行
    [00:48.16]I ain't going back in there. 我不要回医院
    [00:50.00]I can't put you in a car and I can't leave you in the parking1 lot. 我不能让你上车 也不能任你躺在停车场
    [00:55.00]I won't sue2 you, if that's what you think. 放心啦,我不会告你的
    [00:58.08]I'll sign whatever you'd like. 我可以签切结书
    [00:59.88]Just let me go back to the city. 让我回市区吧
    [01:04.28]Here's my best offer. 我有个提议
    [01:07.60]I won't put you in the hospital if you stay nearby a few days. 只要你在附近住几天 就不用回医院
    [01:11.68]Get a nurse. Let me keep an eye on you until we get your strength back. 找个护士照顾你,我再帮你检查一下 等你恢复元气再走
    [01:14.76]Stay nearby. 住附近?
    [01:18.08]Doc, where do you suggest I go? 医生,你要我住哪里?
    [01:25.16]No! 不要!
    [01:31.96]Somebody please explain to me how I ended up babysitting3 this guy? 谁能告诉我 怎么会要我当这家伙的保姆?
    [01:32.48]Somebody please explain to me how I ended up babysitting this guy?
    [01:35.68]This is the best turkey sandwich I've had in my life. 没吃过这么好吃的火鸡三明治
    [01:38.04]-You're not listening to me. -I am. Don't get all pissy. -你有没有在听我说话 -有啊,别气了啦
    [01:41.20]I come here for peace and quiet. 我是来这里享受宁静的

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