


时间:2017-10-31 12:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:37.40]...and therefore, more and more interesting. 于是更有趣了 [04:38.04]Which, in turn, makes them even less desirable because as we know, men... 男人就更不要这种女人 因为男人 [04:43.64]...especially older m
  • [04:37.40]...and therefore, more and more interesting. 于是更有趣了
    [04:38.04]Which, in turn, makes them even less desirable because as we know, men... 男人就更不要这种女人 因为男人…
    [04:43.64]...especially older men, are threatened and afraid... 尤其是老男人 都很害怕…
    [04:47.04]...of productive, interesting women. It is just so clear. 成就非凡又有趣的女人 太明显了嘛
    [04:50.32]Single older women as a demographic are as fucked a group as can exist. 根据统计 单身老女人总是被拒于门外
    [04:54.68]Oh, God! 天哪!
    [04:55.24]What are you, possessed11? How could you say those things? 你走火入魔了吗? 居然说这种荒唐话
    [04:58.92]It seemed really obvious, the injustice12. Thank God men die younger than us. 男女不平等嘛 幸好男人死的早
    [00:03.20]-It's the only break we get. -You know what? -否则我们会更惨 -这样吧
    [00:06.68]Write a dissertation1. Don't announce that I stay in night after night.... 你就用这主题写篇论文 但不用大肆宣扬我夜夜独守空闺
    [00:09.56]By the way, one “night after night” would have been enough. 还有,一夜就够了,不必夜夜
    [00:13.08]Did you ever realize that I stay in as a part of my job? 你知道我待在家里是在工作吗?
    [00:16.04]And why do you think I married the director of my plays? 你以为我干嘛嫁给剧作导演?
    [00:21.72]He was the only man I ever saw. 因为我不认识别的男人了
    [00:23.20]And anyway, I like staying in, and I like this time in my life. 反正我是居家型的人 而且我喜欢过这种生活
    [00:24.68]Why do I have to defend myself? I was married for 20 years. I'm done. 我何必辩解? 我结婚二十年,受够了
    [00:30.24]-What the hell was that? -Sorry, I thought I was onto something. -怎样回事? -抱歉,我自以为言之有物
    [00:31.96]Honey, what are you doing with this guy? 女儿,你干嘛跟这个老头鬼混?
    [00:36.00]He's old. He's chauvinistic2. 他不但老,又很大男人
    [00:38.48]-He's fun. -Fun? -他很好玩 -好玩?
    [00:40.12]I mean, how is he fun? He's, like, wrong. 哪里好玩? 根本不适合嘛
    [00:41.28]-Yeah, wrong can be fun. -No. -不适合也能很有趣 -不对
    [00:42.48]-Not this wrong. -He's smart and fascinating. -不是这样的 -他聪明又有魅力

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