


时间:2016-01-14 22:38来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:03.76]I mean, do you... Do you not know me at all? 你难道不懂我吗 [02:07.76]You think that I would sleep with someone for revenge. I would... 你竟然觉得我会为了报复你 而和别人上床 [02:10.44]I would sleep with so
  •   [02:03.76]I mean, do you... Do you not know me at all? 你难道不懂我吗
      [02:07.76]You think that I would sleep with someone for revenge. I would... 你竟然觉得我会为了报复你 而和别人上床
      [02:10.44]I would sleep with someone to hurt you? 仅仅是为了伤害你?
      [02:11.64]Well, at this point, I don’t really know what I think of you. 此时此刻我还真不晓得该怎么想才好
      [02:13.48]- Oh, my God. Screw3 you. - Can I just say this? -去你的  -听我说
      [02:15.64]- Meryl. Can I just... Can I speak? - No. You know what? No. -梅莉,听我说  -听你放屁
      [02:18.16]- No. Not to me. - Wait, Meryl, I’m not finished. Meryl! -去跟空气说吧  -我还没说完,梅莉
      [02:18.84]Ready to go? 要走了吗
      [02:20.32]I think I’m gonna pass on the rodeo. Sorry. 抱歉,我想我就不去了
      [02:24.52]Yeah. Sorry, me, too. 我也是,抱歉
      [02:25.84]I have a lot of packing to do. 我有很多行李要打包
      [02:29.04]Okay, then. 好吧
      [02:29.52]Sorry. 抱歉
      [02:34.88]Hold on. 等等
      [02:38.92]I know it’s none of my business, 我知道这不关我的事
      [02:44.44]laughing together over your little inside New York jokes. 彼此讲纽约式笑话乐此不疲
      [02:44.92]but I’ve watched you two over the past four days, 但我这几天下来看着你们
      [02:52.60]I don’t find them funny, 虽然我不觉得有什么好笑
      [02:54.12]but I think that you can always tell a lot about a couple 但我认为一对情侣
      [02:57.80]by the fact that they still laugh together. 还能笑得那么开怀 一定代表着些什么
      [03:06.68]Thanks, I appreciate that. 谢谢你,你人真好
      [03:10.68]And, I think... Yeah, I think he’s funny. 我的确是┅觉得他还真好笑
      [03:13.72]He makes me laugh. 他总是逗我笑
      [03:15.72]But if we’re gonna stay together, then, 但如果我们真的要在一起
      [03:20.72]you know, I guess we have to scale7 back our expectations, 我想,就不应该期待对方那么多

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      这个男人来自地球      

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