


时间:2015-12-31 12:18来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:57.04]And what happens if you never find this man? 如果你永远找不到凶手 怎么办? [02:00.04]Well find him. 我们会找到的 [02:01.72]In the meantime, we put you in a temporary spot 在此之前 必须先把你们安置到暂
  •   [01:57.04]And what happens if you never find this man? 如果你永远找不到凶手 怎么办?
      [02:00.04]We’ll find him. 我们会找到的
      [02:01.72]In the meantime, we put you in a temporary spot 在此之前 必须先把你们安置到暂歇之处
      [02:02.72]until we can find a more permanent site. 直到我们找到一个永久的落脚处
      [02:05.08]What do you mean by "permanent"? 永久的?
      [02:07.24]I don’t mean permanent. I mean official site. 喔我是说,正式的落脚处
      [02:09.08]Yeah, but you said permanent. 可你刚刚说永久的
      [02:12.60]So if you don’t catch this guy, 所以如果你找不到凶手
      [02:13.76]then the official site becomes the permanent site? 那我们就得待在 这个永久的正式落脚处?
      [02:15.64]Right, so why don’t we just let him explain that bit. 嗯我们先让他说完嘛
      [02:19.80]Oh, no. No, no, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I can’t do this. 不,不,不.我很抱歉但我做不来
      [02:23.48]Really, I can’t. I’m, you know... 说真的我不行
      [02:25.84]I’m a New Yorker. You know, I was born here. This is my home. 我是纽约客,我生于此住于此
      [02:29.52]I’ve had bagels in other parts of the country. 我只吃过其他州的培果
      [02:32.84]I don’t even like Connecticut. 我甚至不喜欢康涅狄格州
      [02:33.04]This man is a professional killer3. 这个凶手是职业杀手
      [02:39.20]He found you in one night, and he’ll keep coming back. 他可以在一天内找到你, 而且绝不会罢手
      [02:40.88]Wouldn’t you rather live someplace else than die in New York? 你难道宁愿死在纽约也不愿搬到别的地方

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      这个男人来自地球      

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