


时间:2015-12-31 12:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:46.92]Its all about peoples expectations that their spouse10 will be the answer 那本书全在说人们 将婚姻的解答放在伴侣身上 [03:50.44]to all their problems when, in fact, they should be facing reality 然而事实却是
  •   [03:46.92]It’s all about people’s expectations that their spouse10 will be the answer 那本书全在说人们 将婚姻的解答放在伴侣身上
      [03:50.44]to all their problems when, in fact, they should be facing reality 然而事实却是
      [03:53.44]and not asking their partners for more than they can give. 不要对伴侣要求太高
      [03:55.64]Brilliant. Brilliant. 是的,就是那个意思
      [04:00.80]I don’t know. I find her theory kind of depressing, don’t you? 我不懂. 我觉得她说的很悲哀耶 你不觉得?
      [04:06.68]Yep. Yep, yeah, if you do. 是,是,你说的对
      [04:10.36]Can you please stop being so agreeable? Please? 你可以不要再继续迎合我了 好吗?
      [04:16.20]Whatever you say. 遵命
      [04:38.28]- So. - So. -嗯  -嗯
      [04:41.28]So, you know, I have to do a showing tonight, 嗯,我今晚有个晚会
      [04:43.96]and I’m gonna pick up my client at his townhouse. 而我得去接那个客人
      [04:44.48]Yes. 好
      [04:47.84]Do you wanna walk with me? 你要跟我一起走路去吗
      [04:49.68]- Absolutely. Yes. - Okay. -当然  -好
      [04:51.36]Adam, we are gonna walk. 亚当,我们要用走路去的
      [04:54.84]- You’re going to walk? - Yes. -走路?  -对
      [04:56.04]Is everything all right? Did we do something wrong? 一切都还好吗? 我们是否做错什么了
      [04:58.36]No. Everything’s okay. 一切都很好
      [00:03.88]You did something wrong. 一定是你做错什么事
      [00:12.60]Here comes the rain. 下雨了
      [00:15.08]You slept with someone else, Paul. 保罗,是你有外遇的
      [00:18.60]You are not good at talking about the weather. 你还真会在谈论天气时,岔开话题
      [00:19.12]All right, it’s... 你要我谈天气?
      [00:21.80]It’s overcast1 with 100% chance of precipitation. 现在是多云,且降雨机率100%
      [00:27.48]- You slept with someone else. - I am sorry. -你跟别人乱搞  -我很抱歉
      [00:30.16]I was confused. I was an idiot. I was wrong. 我很无力,我是蠢蛋,我做错了

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