


时间:2015-12-31 12:07来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:27.24]The ice sculpture, I concede, was a disaster. 尤其是那个冰雕,我承认真的很可怕 [02:29.40]I did specify3 that they shouldnt leave it if you werent home, 我还特别嘱托他们,务必要确认你在家 才能把它留下
  •   [02:27.24]The ice sculpture, I concede, was a disaster. 尤其是那个冰雕,我承认真的很可怕
      [02:29.40]I did specify3 that they shouldn’t leave it if you weren’t home, 我还特别嘱托他们,务必要确认你在家 才能把它留下来
      [02:32.76]and I will be suing. 放心,我会告他们的
      [02:33.60]Talking of which, I must get back to work. 说到这,我该回去工作了
      [02:36.60]I’m actually in court. I have a man... 其实我现在在法院,我有个客户┅
      [02:43.96]Isn’t this a beautiful view? You could pay for this whole apartment 这景观很美吧? 只要向每个愿意一瞻美景的路人收费
      [02:47.64]just by charging people to come and look at this. 就足够你买下整栋公寓了
      [02:50.64]And if you like this, you’re going to love this, 如果你喜欢那个的话,你会更爱这个
      [02:55.68]what I call the ballroom4 or the grand salon5. 这就是我提到的舞厅,也就是大交谊厅
      [02:59.88]It’s the perfect combination of classic architecture 这真可谓是古典建筑和
      [03:04.72]and understated elegance6. 高贵优雅的完美组合
      [03:18.08]You’re pregnant? 你怀孕了吗
      [03:19.96]I mean, if you’re planning on having a baby, this is the most magical place. 这里对小孩子而言 绝对是最完美的成长环境
      [03:26.80]How many? Let me see, I have... Well, I have zero. 几个啊?我算算看┅ 其实我一个都没有
      [03:32.48]My husband and I are separated. 我和我老公正分居
      [03:35.16]I know what you’re thinking, the clock is ticking, right? 我知道你在想什么 分秒必争是吧
      [03:42.68]But I’m, you know... I’m considering adoption7, 不过,我有在考虑领养
      [03:45.56]and you gotta stay optimistic. You know? 而且人就是要乐观一点嘛
      [03:48.56]Don’t get down on yourself. 别太沮丧了
      [03:54.56]Mr. Morgan, I have the depositions8 on the Anderson case for you. 摩根先生 我要给你看看安德森那个案子的供词
      [03:55.44]Excellent. I hear it’s a page-turner. 很好.听说还不错啊?
      [03:57.28]Now, where are we on the star front? 星星那件事处理得怎样了
      [04:00.28]Well, you can buy and name a star "Meryl." 你可以买一个星星并命名为梅莉
      [04:04.12]It’s $75, and you get a celestial9 map and a certificate. 只要75美金,还附赠天体地图和证书

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