


时间:2018-02-19 16:32来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:06.92]Were just organizing them for easier thank you note writing... 只是把它们放在一起 [00:10.40]...after the wedding, which will still happen, happens. 方便你婚后回礼 婚礼会继续的, 会的 [00:24.56]- Hey. - Hi. -
  • [00:06.92]We're just organizing them for easier thank you note writing... 只是把它们放在一起
    [00:10.40]...after the wedding, which will still happen, happens. 方便你婚后回礼 婚礼会继续的, 会的
    [00:24.56]- Hey. - Hi. - 你好 - 你好
    [00:30.92]How's it going? 过得怎样?
    [00:31.48]- You know... - Yeah. - 嗯... - Yeah
    [00:37.68]So? 什么事?
    [00:40.52]Sam, I don't know if I can go through with this. Sam, 我不知道是否能接受
    [00:45.04]Tell him you love him. Tell him you can't be without him. 告诉他你爱他 告诉他你不能没有他
    [00:47.28]Tell him you can't imagine life without him. 告诉他你的生命里不能没有他
    [00:48.80]Wait a minute. What if he can imagine life without me? 等一下, 如果他的生命里 可以没有我怎么办?
    [00:51.44]What if that's what he's about to say? I can't hear that. 如果他正要这么说怎么办? 我不想听到这样的话
    [00:55.84]Yeah, I can't go through with this, either. 我也接受不了
    [01:00.60]You can't? 接受不了?
    [01:02.52]I mean, the kiss and the lying... 我是说, 接吻事件还有说谎
    [01:07.80]Of me being a total jerk1. 都归功于我的古怪性情
    [01:11.28]I never meant to hurt you, Ben. 我没想过要伤害你的
    [01:12.72]No, I know. 不, 我知道
    [01:14.44]He so doesn't wanna be here. 他真的很不想在这里出现
    [01:18.20]Make it easy for him. All you've done is make it hard. 原谅他吧, 因为你实在伤他太深了
    [01:20.92]Just do him this one favor. 现在应该为他想一下
    [01:23.08]I was wrong to try to force things to work. 我不应该逼你做些不愿意做的事
    [01:26.88]Only made everything worse. 那只会把事情搞砸
    [01:29.92]So that's it, then? 就这样吗?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      一个美国新娘的自白      

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