


时间:2018-02-19 16:28来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:50.68]Of course, there was one teeny detail Ben was unaware 3 of. 当然了, 还有一个小小的问题 Ben没有注意到 [00:55.56]But if he was this determined 4 , then I would tell him about Luke tonight. 既然他这么坚定 我今
  • [00:50.68]Of course, there was one teeny detail Ben was unaware3 of. 当然了, 还有一个小小的问题 Ben没有注意到
    [00:55.56]But if he was this determined4, then I would tell him about Luke tonight. 既然他这么坚定 我今晚就告诉他关于Luke的事情
    [00:57.60]Full disclosure. 全部招认
    [01:01.24]After dinner, of course. 当然是在晚餐之后了
    [01:01.72]We can't put the Stillmans and the Fogels together. They'll kill each other. 不能把Stillman和Fogel两家人 安排在一起, 他们会打起来的
    [01:06.60]Yeah, Rich borrowed Jerry's snowplow three years ago. Totally mangled5 it. 对, Rich三年前弄坏了 Jerry的扫雪机
    [01:11.28]But if you do that, that means the Nolfies have to sit at the rabbi and minister's table. 如果你这样做, 意味着Nolfie一家 要跟主婚人坐一桌
    [01:16.60]Family, friends, others. The hierarchy6. Stillmans are cousins. 亲戚和朋友要分别坐在一起 Stillman一家是亲戚
    [01:17.24]Well, the Nolfies are very important business associates. Nolfie是我们非常重要的商业伙伴
    [01:21.00]- They handle all my direct mailings. - Direct mailings? - 他负责我们所有快运 - 快运?
    [01:25.56]- Lf you want us to pay for the wedding... - Oh, you're gonna run out? - 如果你想我们负责婚礼的费用... - 什么, 你要全权负责?
    [01:29.32]Mr. Direct Mailing is worth more than family? 快运先生比亲戚更重要吗?
    [01:31.76]Enough! 够了!
    [01:34.88]Sam has something she wants to say. Sam有事要说
    [01:40.00]Ben and I had a talk this afternoon and came to a conclusion... 我和Ben今天下午达成共识
    [01:43.28]...that the four of you have sadly proven to be true: 觉得你们四个都非常要强:
    [01:44.56]That you'll never agree on anything having to do with this wedding. 永远不服从对方的安排
    [01:50.32]So we've come up with a simple solution. Ben. 因此我们想出一个 简单的解决方法

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      一个美国新娘的自白      

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