


时间:2018-02-09 12:52来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:49.32]Since the heart of our ceremony is the exchange of vows 7 ... 我们的婚礼重点是互相宣誓 [04:54.80]...and in the Jewish ceremony, its the exchange of rings... 犹太婚礼的重点是交换戒指 [04:58.96]...things shoul
  • [04:49.32]Since the heart of our ceremony is the exchange of vows7... 我们的婚礼重点是互相宣誓
    [04:54.80]...and in the Jewish ceremony, it's the exchange of rings... 犹太婚礼的重点是交换戒指
    [04:58.96]...things should, theoretically, dovetail nicely. 理论上是能衔接好的
    [00:02.64]Yadda, yadda, yadda. Yadda, yadda, yadda(犹太语)
    [00:04.68]Look, let's get down to brass1 tacks3, okay? 我们从实质问题开始吧
    [00:06.96]First, the couple. Any special requests? 首先, 两位新人有什么特殊要求吗?
    [00:08.80]Sam? Sam?
    [00:13.48]The ceremony. 在谈婚礼呢
    [00:18.44]Just make it nice. 只要好看就行
    [00:21.24]Nice you want, nice you'll get. 只要诚心, 美好就会实现
    [00:23.76]Okay, Reverend, here's my first offer. 尊敬的牧师, 这是我的草案
    [00:26.12]I didn't think we'd be quite so formal with our proposals. 没必要这么正式的讨论
    [00:29.80]What'd you think, we're gonna wing it? Take a gander. 你想怎样, 即兴表演? 看一看吧
    [00:31.32]I couldn't concentrate. 我无法集中
    [00:31.60]I mean, here I was with a minister and a rabbi. 我是说, 我正对着牧师和传教士
    [00:35.16]Could I have felt more guilty? 我是不是有罪恶感呢?
    [00:38.76]I notice that in many of your prayers, they're both in Hebrew and English. 我发现很多祈祷 既用犹太语又用英语
    [00:42.20]- Yeah, that's the norm4. - Well, it doesn't seem quite fair. - 对, 那是惯例 - 但并不公平
    [00:47.48]You see, in effect, you'll be speaking twice as long. 知道吗, 你讲的比我多一倍
    [00:51.48]I'm repeating myself. I'm not saying anything more than you are. 我只是重复一遍 我讲的内容并不比你多

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      一个美国新娘的自白      

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