


时间:2018-02-09 12:40来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:37.24]Guess I was too distracted to notice. 可能是我当时太兴奋 所以没注意 [04:41.00]- Sorry. - Okay. - 对不起 - Ok [04:45.08]- Five minute break. - We dont... We dont need a break. - 休息5分钟 - 不用... 我们不用休
  • [04:37.24]Guess I was too distracted to notice. 可能是我当时太兴奋 所以没注意
    [04:41.00]- Sorry. - Okay. - 对不起 - Ok
    [04:45.08]- Five minute break. - We don't... We don't need a break. - 休息5分钟 - 不用... 我们不用休息
    [04:48.88]The break is for me. 是我要休息
    [04:52.44]What are you doing? Do you not wanna have a first dance? 你到底怎么了? 是不是根本不想跳舞?
    [04:56.28]What I wanna do is go home, order Chinese, and veg on the couch, okay? 我现在最想做的是回家 然后慢慢享受些中国菜, ok?
    [00:02.48]But I'm doing my best. 我已经尽力了
    [00:03.96]Yeah, well, what you call your best I call being difficult. 我对你所谓的尽力很不满意
    [00:06.80]Difficult? You know what difficult is? 不满意? 你知道什么是不满意吗?
    [00:11.32]Difficult is having umpteen1 phone calls from vendors2 with wedding questions... 不满意就是接了 无数个询问婚礼的电话
    [00:14.56]Difficult is having to talk about the exact same thing every waking moment. 不满意就是每晚睡前 都要谈论同一个问题
    [00:14.92]...that I can't answer. 但我根本就答复不了
    [00:20.16]I mean, Sam, we still have to have lives. 我们还有很长的日子要过呢
    [00:24.20]Don't put this all on me. 别把一切都推到我身上
    [00:26.80]You think I enjoy coming home to basketball and video games? 难道我就想每次回到家 都看到你看篮球赛和打游戏?
    [00:29.52]Well, I wouldn't be home playing by myself if you weren't always at work... 如果你不是只顾着工作 我会一个人玩吗
    [00:32.76]...doing who knows what. 谁知道你忙什么呢
    [00:36.84]The biggest opportunity of my career has just happened to coincide... 我事业上的转折点
    [00:38.32]...with me coordinating3 the biggest event of my life. 刚好跟我的婚姻一起来临

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      一个美国新娘的自白      

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