


时间:2018-02-02 12:22来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:15.52]My Excalibur. 我的亚瑟王神剑 [02:17.24]Only instead of pulling it out of a rock... 但是想要把它买下来 [02:20.20]...I just had to make sure I didnt have to sell my car to afford it. 就得把我的小车卖掉! [02:2
  • [02:15.52]My Excalibur. 我的亚瑟王神剑
    [02:17.24]Only instead of pulling it out of a rock... 但是想要把它买下来
    [02:20.20]...I just had to make sure I didn't have to sell my car to afford it. 就得把我的小车卖掉!
    [02:25.56]If you think I'm gonna let you see me in it now, you're crazy. 疯子才会买那么贵的婚纱
    [02:28.56]Sam, they're here. Sam, 他们来了
    [02:33.40]Okay. 好的
    [02:43.84]- Hey, Sam. - Hi, Luke. - Sam你好 - 你好
    [02:46.68]It's been way too long. 很久没见
    [02:52.00]Our team liaison10, Samantha Hoyt. She'll begin the meeting. 现在由Samantha Hoyt主持会议
    [02:52.12]Okay, let's get right to it. Ok, 马上开始吧
    [02:57.20]Let me start with the demographic breakdown11 of your target consumer. 就从消费者的人群分布开始
    [02:57.48]Welcome, everyone. 欢迎大家
    [03:01.04]This chart divides the market into two important segments: 图表显示主要为两大市场:
    [03:04.44]Family and personal consumption. 家庭和个人消费者
    [03:07.92]Our campaign will aggressively target both. 是我们公司的主要吸引对象
    [03:09.20]But before we go further, we'd like to know what you think of my figure. 进一步讨论之前, 先让大家 看一下我的身材
    [03:16.88]I mean, our figures. 我们的数据(figures有数据及身材之意)
    [03:17.48]"Our figures" is what I meant to say, not "my figure." 我是说"我们的数据"  不是说"我的身材"
    [03:20.64]I mean, why would we care what you think of my...? 算了, 为什么你们会关注我的...?
    [03:25.32]Why don't we all just take a moment to look through the charts. 现在看一下图表吧
    [03:32.80]Damn, he's hot. 他真的帅呆了
    [03:39.36]You know that old public speaking trick of imagining your audience in underwear? 这感觉就像只穿着内裤 在大众面前演讲一样
    [03:42.84]Yeah, didn't work so much with Luke. 在Luke面前真是丑死人了
    [03:45.68]- You were fine. It was great. - Nancy. - 你表现的很好, 没问题的 - Nancy
    [03:46.76]Okay, rocky finish, but very strong start. 没有了化石, 却来一个风度翩翩的

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      一个美国新娘的自白      

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