


时间:2018-04-10 12:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:04.38]-lm not doing it. -lts not about you, okay? -我不能这样做 -这一切不是为了你 好吗? [01:07.06]lts not about me. lts about the whole team. 这也不是为了我 是为了我们整个队伍 [01:21.38]-Thats my man. -Bri
  • [01:04.38]-l'm not doing it. -lt's not about you, okay? -我不能这样做 -这一切不是为了你 好吗?
    [01:07.06]lt's not about me. lt's about the whole team. 这也不是为了我 是为了我们整个队伍
    [01:21.38]-That's my man. -Bring him in here. Let's go. -这才是我的哥们 -带他过来 我们出发
    [01:23.46]lt looks like DJ is gonna lead them. 看起来要由DJ来带队了
    [01:27.62]l knew they was gonna do this. 我知道他们会这么做的
    [01:28.60]Don't worry. l've been studying his every move. 别担心 我已经研究了他的每个动作
    [01:31.60]lt'll be like taking candy from a baby. 就像从小孩子手上 抢棒棒糖一样简单
    [01:37.14]All right. lt's all you. 好吧 全靠你了
    [01:56.66]-Why you on our stage? -Stage, -你们为什么站在我们的舞台上? -舞台
    [02:02.30]Why you on our stage? 你们为什么站在我们的舞台上?
    [02:06.38]Why you on our stage? 你们为什么站在我们的舞台上?
    [02:18.94]They stepping too damn3 close! 他们跳得太他妈近了!
    [02:21.18]Step back! Step back, away from me! 退后! 退后 离我远点!
    [02:22.46]Step back! Step back, away from me! 退后! 退后 离我远点!
    [02:27.14]Step back! Step back, away from me! 退后! 退后 离我远点!
    [02:28.58]Step back! Step back, away from me! 退后! 退后 离我远点!
    [02:38.02]-Pythons! -Come on! -大蟒蛇们! -拜托!
    [02:38.42]-Pythons! -What? -大蟒蛇们! -什么?
    [03:04.86]I don't know what you've been told,,, 我不知道你们 都被告知些什么...
    [03:06.94],,,but that's the Mu Gammas is in this house! ...但这里的主角是Mu Gammas!
    [03:10.70]I don't know what you've been told,,, 我不知道你们 都被告知些什么...
    [03:15.10],,,but that's the Mu Gammas is in this house! ...但是在这个 房子里的是Mu Gammas!
    [03:22.62]Step back! Step back! Step back! Step back! 退后! 退后! 退后! 退后!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      街舞少年      

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