


时间:2018-03-30 12:32来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:46.98]You know Noel, this is Byron, Paul. 你见过Noel了 这是Byron和Paul [03:50.26]-Thats Easy over there. -Whats up? -那边的是Easy -你好? [03:52.42]Yo, get that camera out of my face, man. 别拍我 [03:54.62]l was saying The
  • [03:46.98]You know Noel, this is Byron, Paul. 你见过Noel了 这是Byron和Paul
    [03:50.26]-That's Easy over there. -What's up? -那边的是Easy -你好?
    [03:52.42]Yo, get that camera out of my face, man. 别拍我
    [03:54.62]l was saying Theta Nu Theta is gonna wipe the floor with Mu Gamma. 我认为Theta Nu Theta要大胜Mu Gamma.
    [04:01.06]Dude, why are you pledging Theta anyway? They tired. 你干嘛要加入他们? 他们不行
    [04:01.22]-How's that? -Because l'm gonna join. -为什么? -因为我要加入他们
    [04:05.66]-They pull no women. -They never win step championships. -他们对女人没有吸引力 -他们从来没赢过
    [04:07.34]-So? -''So?'' -所以呢 -"所以呢?"
    [04:12.02]-What else is there? -What about history? -还有什么? -因为历史行不行?
    [04:14.30]What about tradition? Give me my damn hat. 因为传统行不行? 把帽子还给我
    [04:16.86]He's just saying that because his father was a Theta. 他加入Theta是因为他爹在Theta
    [04:17.02]-What about legacy1? -A legacy of losing. -因为传承行不行? -失败的基因
    [04:21.38]Anyway, DJ, please ignore their ignorance. DJ 忽略他们的无知
    [04:23.94]You need to roll with us to the Rep Yo' City Blast tonight. 今天晚上你跟我们一起去Rep Yo' City Blast
    [04:26.02]-Roll with us. -To the what? -跟我们一起 -去哪儿?
    [04:31.54]Where my St. Louis folks at? S-T-L, show some love. 我的圣路易斯老乡们在哪儿? S-T-L 给我们点支持
    [04:33.98]You know how we do it every week at the Phoenix2! Give me love, Miami. 你们知道我们在Phoenix如何! 支持我 迈阿密的.

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      街舞少年      

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