


时间:2018-03-30 12:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:17.18]...so when l get back, lll make us all some dinner. 我回来了就做饭 [04:19.38]Okay? 好吧? [04:30.42]Honey, go ahead and help yourself to some apple pie. 亲爱的 吃点苹果派吧 [04:31.30]l know its your favorite. 我知道
  • [04:17.18]...so when l get back, l'll make us all some dinner. 我回来了就做饭
    [04:19.38]Okay? 好吧?
    [04:30.42]Honey, go ahead and help yourself to some apple pie. 亲爱的 吃点苹果派吧
    [04:31.30]l know it's your favorite. 我知道你最爱吃了
    [04:33.18]No, no, thanks. 不了 谢谢
    [04:39.26]You know l had to call in a favor to get you into this school. 你知道我是走了后门才让你进了这所学校
    [04:42.02]-No, that's cool. l'm listening. -Good. -没关系 我听着呢 -好
    [04:44.70]Because the rules are very simple. 因为规则很简单
    [04:46.10]There's three things you have to deal with. 你要做叁件事
    [04:49.42]First, you must keep your grades up at all times. 首先 成绩要一直很好
    [04:54.38]Second, l'm in charge of your work study program... 其次 我会负责你的勤工俭学项目
    [04:56.58]...but you'll not be treated differently... 但我不会有双重标准
    [04:58.86]...nor will you behave any different than my other 26 employees. 你也不能在其他26个雇员中搞特殊
    [00:01.90]-And third? -lf there's a strike three, you out. -第叁呢? -如果这两件做不到 我不会再罩着你了
    [00:04.90]Period. 就是这么回事
    [00:13.54]DJ? DJ?
    [00:36.42]What the hell1 is going on, man? 你这是干嘛?
    [00:39.66]l'm not gonna sit out here and act like l wanna be here when l don't. 我可不想坐在这儿假装我愿意呆在这儿
    [00:45.86]This whole college boy thing is not for me, man. 我不适合上大学
    [00:51.74]You're the only thing your mama's got left. 你妈就只剩下你了
    [00:53.54]There's no way l'm gonna let you put my sister through any more pain. 我不会让你再伤害我妹妹的

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      街舞少年      

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