[04:43.96]You can’t say no to that face. 对这张脸你说不了"不"
[04:47.44]Yes, well, our confidentiality10 agreement. 是啊 但是我们的保密协议
[04:49.20]means that I cannot tell you who she is... 让我没法告诉你她是谁
[04:51.20]so which one of you will choose a different venue11? 那么你们谁愿意换个地方?
[04:55.80]I’m leaving right now, Ms. St. Claire. 我现在就走了 圣克莱尔女士
[04:58.96]Word to the wise, dear- and also to you- 我奉劝你一句 亲爱的
[00:03.16]do not use me as a reference. 别说在我这工作过
[00:17.84]Hello, Angela. just... 你好 安吉拉 快
[00:19.56]tell us where the other bride is... 告诉我们那个新娘在那
[00:21.04]and nobody’s gonna get hurt. 那样大家都没事
[00:36.44]Hi. Hello, Stacy. 嗨 你好 思黛丝
[00:37.20]You look gorgeous. Did you lose weight? 你看起来真漂亮 是不是瘦了?
[00:38.24]How are you? It’s Emma and Liv. 你好吗? 我们是艾玛和丽芙
[00:41.64]You want me to change the date of my wedding? 你想让我改结婚的日期?
[00:43.68]Yeah. That’d be great. 是啊 那就太好了
[00:45.68]No. You take the 6th, give me the 27 th- 不 你6号结 把27号让给我
[00:48.36]She can be your wedding buddy1. 她就成了你同日结婚的新娘伴儿了
[00:50.36]I’m a ball. Really. I am. Don’t touch me. 我很棒的 真的 别碰我