


时间:2017-10-09 12:23来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:34.76]Answer the phone. 快接电话呀 [04:38.60]Hello, is...? Is this the day camp? 你好,是?是日营吗? [04:39.16]Oh. 噢 [04:41.92]Yes, this is... This is Joanna Eberhart. I would like to speak to my children. 对,我是我
  • [04:34.76]Answer the phone. 快接电话呀
    [04:38.60]Hello, is...? Is this the day camp? 你好,是…?是日营吗?
    [04:39.16]Oh. 噢
    [04:41.92]Yes, this is... This is Joanna Eberhart. I would like to speak to my children. 对,我是…我是乔安娜·埃伯哈特. 我想和我的孩子们说话
    [04:47.40]I'm coming to pick them up right now. 我现在就来接他们
    [04:50.88]What? 什么?
    [04:57.48]Walter! 沃尔特!
    [04:58.64]Walter, where are you? 沃尔特,你在哪儿?
    [00:01.04]I know you've got the kids. 我知道你接了孩子
    [00:04.24]Pete, Kimberly! 皮特,金芭莉!
    [01:08.60]Oh, boys. 嘿,男孩子们
    [01:14.20]Welcome. 欢迎
    [01:32.08]Where are my children? 我的孩子在哪儿?
    [01:32.20]- They're perfectly1 safe. - Where are my children? - 他们非常安全 - 我的孩子在哪儿?
    [01:36.76]- You'll see them soon. - Where's Walter? - 你很快就会见到他们 - 沃尔特呢?
    [01:45.52]How could you do this? 你怎么能这么做?
    [01:48.56]Ever since we met, you've beaten me at everything. 从我们认识开始,你样样比我强
    [01:52.84]You're better educated. 学历比我高
    [01:54.44]You're stronger, you're faster. 比我强壮,比我敏捷
    [01:56.44]You're a better dancer, a better tennis player. 舞跳得比我好,网球打得比我好
    [02:01.00]You've always earned at least six figures more 你挣得总是比我做梦能想到的
    [02:03.40]than I could ever dream of. 还要至少多六位数
    [02:03.60]You're a better speaker, 你的口才比我好
    [02:07.96]a better executive. 一个非常好的主管

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      复制娇妻      

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