


时间:2017-10-09 12:12来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:25.38]I just love the chapter on pinecones. 我特别喜欢松果的那一章 [00:30.46]Theyre not just for wreaths and centerpieces. 松果不仅可以用于 做花冠或者装饰餐桌的 [00:31.98]You can use pinecones to create a ver
  • [00:25.38]I just love the chapter on pinecones. 我特别喜欢松果的那一章
    [00:30.46]They're not just for wreaths and centerpieces. 松果不仅可以用于 做花冠或者装饰餐桌的
    [00:31.98]You can use pinecones to create a very special Yuletide menorah. 你可以用它来做特别的圣诞烛台
    [00:35.22]Your pinecone snowman could be Jewish. 你的松果雪人可能是个犹太人
    [00:37.34]Just add one of those little beanies. 再加一顶小帽
    [00:40.42]Or maybe I could just use hundreds of pinecones 或者我可以用上百个松果
    [00:40.78]to spell out the words "Big Jew" 在前院的雪地上,拼出…
    [00:44.38]in letters 15 feet tall in the snow in my front yard. 15英尺长的“犹太”字样?
    [00:52.34]That's a wonderful idea. 这个主意太好了
    [00:54.82]- Oh, yes, yes. - That's very wonderful. - 噢,好啊,好啊 - 非常好
    [01:00.10]I love the idea of creating a life-sized Santa Claus, 我喜欢那个主意 做个真人大小的圣诞老人
    [01:00.30]- Yes. - She's so smart. - 对 - 她真聪明
    [01:02.74]- all out of pinecones. - OK, I love that. - 全部用松果 - 好,我喜欢这个
    [01:06.02]I'm going to use a pinecone in my nativity as the baby Jesus. 我可以用松果在圣诞节做一个小耶稣
    [01:11.74]And I'm going to attach a pinecone to my vibrator 我要在我的按摩棒上绑一个松果
    [01:14.22]and have a really merry Christmas. 然后过一个真正快乐的圣诞节
    [01:21.74]Here comes Santa Claus Here comes Santa Claus 圣诞老人来了 圣诞老人来了
    [01:23.98]Right down Santa Claus Lane 就像往年一样
    [01:25.86]He's got a bag that's filled with toys For the boys and girls again 揣着满满一袋子送给孩子们的玩具
    [01:27.94]Hear those sleigh bells jingle1 jangle What a beautiful sight 听那雪橇铃声叮当响 多么美丽的景象

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