


时间:2017-03-13 12:21来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:34.22]You find it amusing, Miss. 你们觉得可笑吗,小姐们 [03:35.10]Elizabeth? 伊丽莎白? [03:35.94]Please dont call me that. 请不要那样叫我 [03:39.86]Its your name according to these forms. 表格上是你的名字啊
  • [03:34.22]You find it amusing, Miss. 你们觉得可笑吗,小姐们
    [03:35.10]Elizabeth? 伊丽莎白?
    [03:35.94]Please don't call me that. 请不要那样叫我
    [03:39.86]It's your name according to these forms. 表格上是你的名字啊
    [03:42.70]Liz or Lizzy 叫我丽兹或者丽思
    [03:45.42]Liz or Lizzy is a nick name. 丽思或丽兹是你的昵称
    [03:48.30]are nick names. 都是昵称
    [03:51.38]No, I'm afraid not. 不,恐怕不行
    [03:53.06]Jesus, call the girl she wants to be called. 上帝,就照她说的叫不就行了
    [03:54.98]Elizabeth is a fine name. the name of a queen.  The Elizabeth's age was the age of Shakespeare.  What's your problem with it? 伊丽莎白是个好名字,是女皇的名字,是莎士比亚年代的名字,有什么问题吗?
    [04:03.26]My mother calls me Elizabeth, when she's going insane. 我妈妈狂躁的时候会叫我伊丽莎白
    [04:11.74]Liz then. 那就丽思吧
    [04:16.26]Bobie, the sentence. 波比,句子呢?
    [04:19.98]so where did you go to school before this. 那你以前在哪上学?
    [04:21.86]I didn't 我没上过学
    [04:24.74]How did you ***? 怎么可能?
    [04:27.26]I was at the group home. 我在教养院
    [04:28.34]Is that freaky? 那里很奇怪吗?
    [04:31.02]Yeah 是啊
    [04:33.74]but you're not a freak 你可不像怪人
    [04:36.54]NO 不
    [04:37.54]It's too bad. I am. 太糟了,我是的
    [04:44.74]My birthday's coming up. 我的生日快到了
    [04:46.38]Yeah? When? 是吗?什么时候?
    [04:48.38]You'll know. I'm gonna wear my dad's ***coat. 你会知道的,我会穿上我爸爸的大衣
    [04:51.62]I'm gonna come to school with nothing on but my *** coat and a pair boots 我会到学校 只穿爸爸的大衣和靴子
    [04:56.82]from far show all the teachers. Happy Birthday. 在远处秀给老师看,生日快乐

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      风雨哈佛路      

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