


时间:2016-08-24 12:31来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:55.28]You know... 你知道 [00:57.56]...Im sick 我生了重病 [01:00.72]I dont know how much longer I have 没有多久可活了 [01:02.16]Im sorry to hear that, Mr. Button 很遗憾,巴顿先生 [01:03.20]No, it.... 不用,我
  •   [00:55.28]You know... 你知道
      [00:57.56]...I’m sick 我生了重病
      [01:00.72]I don’t know how much longer I have 没有多久可活了
      [01:02.16]I’m sorry to hear that, Mr. Button 很遗憾,巴顿先生
      [01:03.20]No, it.... 不用,我
      [01:07.12]I don’t have any people. I keep to myself 我无亲无故、孑然一身
      [01:11.56]I hope you don’t mind, but, whenever possible, I’d enjoy your company 如果可以,希望你能多陪陪我
      [01:17.12]I’ll certainly do what I can 我一定会尽力而为
      [01:22.72]Benjamin, do you know anything about buttons? 你对钮扣业知道多少?
      [01:28.16]Now, Button’s Buttons has been in our family for 1 24 years 巴顿钮扣厂是我的家族企业 祖传了124年
      [01:33.72]My grandfather was a tailor. He had a small shop in Richmond 我爷爷是个裁缝 他在里奇蒙开了家小店
      [01:40.64]After the Civil War, he moved to New Orleans... 南北战争结束后搬到新奥尔良
      [01:41.20]...where my father had the wisdom1 to make our own buttons 我父亲有先见之明开始做钮扣
      [01:47.24]So with his help... 他把小小的裁缝店
      [01:50.76]...the tailor shop grew to this 扩展到工厂
      [01:51.64]And today, I can’t sew a stitch2 现在我连绣粒钮扣都不会
      [01:58.00]That’s very, very interesting 这真的很有意思
      [02:05.68]You sure have done well for yourself 你的事业非常成功
      [02:08.52]So, what can I do for you, Mr. Button? 巴顿先生,我能帮你什么忙?

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