


时间:2016-08-09 12:46来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:54.76]...but of a man well in his 80s on his way to the grave 而是快进棺材的80岁老人家有的 [04:57.88]-Hes dying? -His bodys failing him... - 他快死了? - 他才刚出生 [04:59.76]...before his lifes begun 身体就开始
  •   [04:54.76]...but of a man well in his 80s on his way to the grave 而是快进棺材的80岁老人家有的
      [04:57.88]-He’s dying? -His body’s failing him... - 他快死了? - 他才刚出生
      [04:59.76]...before his life’s begun 身体就开始老化
      [00:03.32]Where’d he come from? 他打哪儿来的?
      [00:06.44]My sister’s child. From Lafayette. She had an unfortunate adventure 我老妹的小孩,来自拉法叶区 她有一段不寻常的关系
      [00:08.68]The poor child, he got the worst of it. Come out white 可怜的孩子,生下来是白人
      [00:16.64]There are places for unwanted babies like these, Queenie 有地方收容像这种弃婴
      [00:22.60]No room for another mouth to feed here 这里养不起一个婴儿
      [00:24.12]The Nolan Foundation, despite their good intentions... 虽然诺兰基金会用意很好
      [00:28.80]...thinks this place is a large nuisance as it is 不过他们觉得这地方很麻烦
      [00:29.36]-A baby-- -You said he don’t have long - 再来一个婴儿 - 你也说他活不久
      [00:31.24]Queenie, some creatures aren’t meant to survive 昆妮,有些婴儿不该活下来
      [00:39.40]No, this baby, he is a miracle. That’s for certain 不,我很确定他是个奇迹
      [00:45.76]Just not the kind of miracle one hopes to see 只是不是一般人想见的奇迹
      [00:51.52]Y’all listen. Y’all listen up here 大家听好、听好了
      [00:52.84]We gonna have us a visitor that’s gonna be staying with us for a little while 有一个新房客要待一阵子
      [00:57.80]My sister had a child, and she couldn’t see right by it, so.... 我老妹生了小孩,她养不起
      [01:04.08]He’s known as... 他的名字是
      [01:08.84]...Benjamin 班哲明
      [01:10.60]Benjamin 班哲明
      [01:13.24]He’s not a well child, so we’re gonna have to take good care of him 他病得很重,需要好好照顾

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