[01:47.88]is not exactly clever thinking. 这可不是明智之举
[01:51.72]Now, why would you do that? 你干嘛这样?
[01:56.60]When somebody asks me a question... 有人问我问题
[02:01.20]l tell them the answer. 我就告诉他们答案
[02:07.04]So, how did you manage to get on the show? 你怎么会上这个节目?
[02:13.48]Okay, everyone. Listen up. 好了,大家听好
[02:17.88]lt’s been a big week for U.K. 这礼拜对英国很重要
[02:21.44]Kat is back. 凯特回来了
[02:22.04]But she was already back? 不是早就回来了?
[02:24.52]Bardi. 巴迪!
[02:24.80]Jamal? 杰默?
[02:28.92]Oh, well, she did come back. 她是有回来过
[02:29.32]Then she went away when Alfie split up with her, 和奥菲分手之后又走了
[02:32.40]and now she’s back again. 现在她又回来了
[02:33.20]But it looks as if Alfiie still fancies Mo after all. 但奥菲好像还是喜欢小莫…
[02:36.44]Thank you, Jamal. 谢谢你,杰默
[02:39.08]Bardi, keep up. 巴迪,争气点
[02:40.12]The chai-wallah knows more than you. 连茶水小弟都比你懂
[02:43.24]Anyway, there’s also the festival in Edinburgh. 爱丁堡也有文化祭
[02:48.60]Ah, kilts, castles, haggis, 苏格兰裙、城堡、羊杂包
[02:51.76]Ben Nevis. 尼维斯峰
[02:53.28]Good. Yes? 很好,还有吗?
[02:56.28]lnspector Taggart, whisky, 泰格特巡官、威士忌
[02:57.16]Sean Connery. 史恩康纳莱
[02:58.04]Good, and lochs...their word for lakes. 很好,还有很多湖泊