


时间:2016-09-26 13:04来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:59.88]Salim, please? 萨林,求求你 [04:00.08]Shut16 up! 闭嘴! [04:01.52]lll kill you! 我会杀了你! [04:12.88]lll kill you! 我会杀了你! [04:18.68]l am number one now. 现在我才是老大 [04:24.20]Salim, open it! 萨林,开
  •   [03:59.88]Salim, please? 萨林,求求你
      [04:00.08]Shut16 up! 闭嘴!
      [04:01.52]l’ll kill you! 我会杀了你!
      [04:12.88]l’ll kill you! 我会杀了你!
      [04:18.68]l am number one now. 现在我才是老大
      [04:24.20]Salim, open it! 萨林,开门!
      [04:24.72]Salim! 萨林!
      [04:30.00]Shut up! 闭嘴!
      [04:30.68]The man with the Colt 45 says, shut up! 拿寇特45手枪的人叫你闭嘴
      [04:33.56]Go now, 快走吧
      [04:34.16]or Gunmaster G-9 will shoot17 you right between the eyes. 不然神枪手会喂你一颗子弹
      [04:39.80]Don’t think he won’t. 别以为他不会哦
      [04:42.12]l’m giving you five seconds. 我给你5秒钟
      [04:52.96]Go, Jamal. 杰默,你走吧
      [04:53.96]Go. 快去
      [05:00.08]Come on. 我们走
      [00:22.36]So, did you see them again? 你有再见到他们吗?
      [00:26.08]l wouldn’t be here if l had. 要是有,我就不会在这里了
      [00:30.80]Was she pretty? 她长得漂亮吗?
      [00:34.60]l guess not. 应该不漂亮
      [00:37.56]The most beautiful woman in the world. 全世界最美的女人
      [00:40.88]He means ’’the bitch of the slums.’’ 他指的是贫民窟啦
      [00:41.24]Sisterfucker! 王八蛋!
      [00:45.72]Hey, hey! 够了
      [00:48.04]Hold him down. 压制住他!
      [00:53.68]l’ll burn your ass1. 我要杀了你
      [00:56.76]Well, well. The slumdog barks. 好吧,不会叫的狗咬人了
      [00:59.64]Money and women. The reasons to make most mistakes in life. 钱和女人是人生犯错的两大原因

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      贫民窟的百万富翁      

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