


时间:2016-11-15 21:05来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:58.28]where I tell you to be when I tell you to be there? 什么时候在什么地方 你会乖乖听从安排? [01:00.12]Yes. Scouts honor. 是的 以童子军的荣誉担保 [01:05.48]You with the scouting3. 你才是童子军 [01:07.
  •   [00:58.28]where I tell you to be when I tell you to be there? 什么时候在什么地方 你会乖乖听从安排?
      [01:00.12]Yes. Scout’s honor. 是的 以童子军的荣誉担保
      [01:05.48]You with the scouting3. 你才是童子军
      [01:07.64]Oh, God. 噢 天呐
      [01:08.16]Will you relax? You’re gonna have a heart attack. 你能不能放松点? 你会发心脏病的
      [01:11.00]I had a heart attack. I had four heart attacks on the way here. 我已经发过了 在来的路上发了4次
      [01:17.84]So, who are these fine folks that you’re consorting4 with? 那么和你一起的那5个人是谁?
      [01:22.36]J just people I’ve met. 就是我遇见的人
      [01:27.56]Yeah? 是吗?
      [01:30.24]Her name’s Eloise. 她叫艾洛伊丝
      [01:32.08]Well, what hath struck the earth? Details. 是什么打动了你? 细节
      [01:38.12]She’s... 她是...
      [01:40.28]Yeah? 是?
      [01:45.96]That’s great. Yeah. 真是太好了
      [01:47.32]That’s great. 太好了
      [01:48.64]So, I’m gonna get back. 所以 我得回去了
      [01:50.48]Yeah, we’d better. 没错 咱俩得回去了
      [01:57.52]All right, yo, a pleasure to meet you guys. Welcome to the rainy city. 好的 很高兴认识你们
      [02:03.72]Should I belly5 dance? 我要不要跳肚皮舞?
      [03:24.36]It’s tragic6. They were so young. 真悲剧 他们都那么年轻
      [03:28.04]I know. 我知道
      [03:28.40]It’s just so sad. 太伤心了
      [03:31.08]I don’t know how you deal with all that death every day. 我不知道你怎么能每天面对那些事
      [03:34.56]Well, I have to deal with it no matter what. 不管怎样我都要面对
      [03:37.44]I think that funerals are archaic7 and a waste of money. 我觉得葬礼很老派而且浪费钱

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