


时间:2016-11-04 21:52来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:33.44]I dont know. Never came up. 不知道 没想到 [00:38.28]Well, it sounded like you really loved her. 听起来你的确很爱她 [00:43.16]Yeah, I did. 的确如此 [00:47.68]But that was a long time ago. 很久以前的事了 [0
  •   [00:33.44]I don’t know. Never came up. 不知道 没想到
      [00:38.28]Well, it sounded like you really loved her. 听起来你的确很爱她
      [00:43.16]Yeah, I did. 的确如此
      [00:47.68]But that was a long time ago. 很久以前的事了
      [00:50.52]Three years? 三年?
      [00:53.20]Twenty-one in dog years. 以狗的寿命计算法 21年了
      [00:57.72]I had a really, really great time. 今天我很开心
      [01:04.24]Me, too. That was really fun. 我也是 很过瘾
      [01:18.64]What? 干嘛?
      [01:22.28]I’m waiting to watch you strut3 back to your bitchin’ rig. 我想看你怎么把自己塞回那车子里
      [01:30.00]All right. 行
      [01:32.00]Bye. 再见
      [00:34.00]Is that the international song for "got laid"? 这是广为人知的"国际上床歌"吗?
      [00:39.36]No! Hardly. 不! 当然不是
      [00:41.00]Come on, throw me a bone. What happened last night? 少来了别卖关子 昨晚都干了什么?
      [00:44.04]It was fun. 昨晚挺愉快的
      [00:47.20]So, are you going to see him again? 那么 你还会再和他见面?
      [00:49.72]I don’t know. Maybe. 不知道 也许
      [00:53.40]May I just point out that you broke up with Tyler 72 hours ago 我能提点下72小时前你和泰勒才刚分手
      [00:58.60]and now you’re dating some other guy 而现在你已经在和别人约会
      [00:59.92]who’s not even gonna be in town for 72 hours? 而他甚至在城里都待不满72小时
      [01:03.12]Can I just point that out? 我能指出这点吗?
      [01:05.28]Okay, we’re... We’re not dating. 首先 我们...我们没有在约会
      [01:06.60]We just met and, you know, I like him. 只是刚认识还有你知道 我挺喜欢他
      [01:12.32]We’re just hanging out. 就一起玩玩
      [01:15.00]Well, just be careful. 那么 多留点心
      [01:19.68]Men are hairy. 男人很多毛

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      爱不胜防      

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