


时间:2016-11-27 21:06来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[01:26.78]but that tops them all. 这个最奇异 [01:29.78]Ha ha ha ha! [01:31.94]We were sitting next to a millionaire . 我们坐在百万富翁旁边 [01:36.54]Well, I thought it was a very lovely story, 我觉得这故事很可爱 [01:
  •   [01:26.78]but that tops them all. 这个最奇异
      [01:29.78]Ha ha ha ha!
      [01:31.94]We were sitting next to a millionaire . 我们坐在百万富翁旁边
      [01:36.54]Well, I thought it was a very lovely story, 我觉得这故事很可爱
      [01:41.82]and you tell it so well, 而你讲得好动听,那么热切
      [01:45.38]with such enthusiasm.
      [01:48.06]Would you like to see what Lieutenant8 Dan looks like ? 你想不想看丹中尉?
      [01:52.74]Yes, I would. 好,我想看!
      [01:57.78]That’s him right there . 这就是他
      [02:04.26]Let me tell you something about Lieutenant Dan. 我跟你讲一点丹中尉的事
      [02:04.78]Forrest... 弗勒斯
      [02:13.50]I never thanked you for saving my life . 你救我的命,我从未感谢你
      [02:40.82]He neveractually said so, 他从来没说出口
      [02:44.82]but I think he made his peace with God. 但是我相信他与神和好了
      [02:56.38]For the second time in 17 days, 十七天内第二次
      [02:58.86]President Ford9 escaped possible assassination10 today. 福特总统今天险些遇刺
      [02:59.86]Base to Jenny 1 . Base to Jenny 1 . 基地呼叫珍妮一号
      [03:02.90]Jenny 1. Go, Margo. 珍妮一号回答,请说!
      [03:05.90]Forrest has a phone call. 有弗勒斯的电话
      [03:07.90]Yeah, well, you’ll have to tell them to call him back. 叫对方待会打来
      [03:10.94]He is indisposed at the moment. 他现在没空
      [03:14.94]His mama’s sick. 他妈妈病了!
      [03:34.14]Where’s Mama? 妈妈呢?
      [03:35.14]She’s upstairs . 她在楼上!
      [03:40.10]Hi, Forrest. 弗勒斯!
      [03:42.30]I’ll see you tomorrow . -我明天来看你 -好的!
      [03:44.38]Oh, all right.
      [03:51.10]Sure got you straightened out, didn’t we, boy ? 我们真的把你拉直了是吗?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿甘正传      

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