


时间:2016-11-15 22:07来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:58.80]that Vietnam was going to be very different [01:01.84]from the United States of America. [01:04.24]Except for all the beer cans and barbecues, [01:04.64]除了都有啤酒和烤肉 两者的确不同 [01:08.92]it was. [01:18.96]He
  •   [00:58.80]that Vietnam was going to be very different
      [01:01.84]from the United States of America.
      [01:04.24]Except for all the beer cans and barbecues,
      [01:04.64]除了都有啤酒和烤肉 两者的确不同
      [01:08.92]it was.
      [01:18.96]Hey, I’ll bet there’s shrimp2 all in these waters . 我敢打赌水里都是虾
      [01:22.64]They tell me these Vietnams is good shrimp. 听说越南人很会捕虾
      [01:25.64]After we win this war 等我们打赢了要占领一切
      [01:27.68]and we take over everything,
      [01:28.48]we can get American shrimpers out here 带美国的捕虾人来这里捕虾
      [01:31.16]Just shrimp all the time, man. 我们整天捕虾,虾多的是…
      [01:31.80]and shrimp these waters .
      [01:37.84]You must be my FNGs. 你们是我的新兵
      [01:38.16]Morning, sir. 长官早!
      [01:39.84]Oh, get your hands down. 手放下,不要敬礼
      [01:43.24]Do not salute3 me.
      [01:43.28]There are goddamn snipers all around this area 四周的狙击手很想干掉军官
      [01:47.28]who’d love to grease an officer.
      [01:49.96]I’m Lieutenant4 Dan Taylor. Welcome to Fort Platoon. 我是丹泰勒中尉 欢迎来第四排
      [01:52.96]What’s wrong with your lip? 你的嘴唇怎么了?
      [01:54.64]I was born with big gums, sir. 我天生厚嘴唇,长官!
      [01:58.00]Well, you better tuck that in. 最好缩进嘴里
      [02:00.64]Gonna get that caught on a trip wire . 免得拖地触动地雷
      [02:03.36]Where are you boy s from in the world? 你们是哪里人?
      [02:07.36]- Alabama, sir! - Alabama, sir! 报告,阿拉巴马人
      [02:07.68]You twins? 你们是双胞胎?
      [02:11.52]No. We are not relations, sir. 不是,我们不是亲戚

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