


时间:2016-11-15 22:00来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:45.44]you can catch over a hundred pounds of shrimp. [03:46.08]On a good day , 好的话一天可以捕一百磅虾 [03:48.44]Everything goes all right, 假如一切顺利 [03:50.80]2 men shrimping 10 hours , 两个人捕十小时虾 [0
  •   [03:45.44]you can catch over a hundred pounds of shrimp.
      [03:46.08]On a good day , 好的话一天可以捕一百磅虾
      [03:48.44]Everything goes all right, 假如一切顺利
      [03:50.80]2 men shrimping 10 hours , 两个人捕十小时虾
      [03:52.12]Less what you spends on gas-- 扣除油料费…
      [03:54.80]Done, Drill Sergeant! 报告班长,完毕!
      [03:57.48]Gump! 阿甘!
      [04:00.48]Why did you put that weapon together so quickly? 你为何那么快把枪结合起来
      [04:03.52]You told me to, Drill Sergeant. 报告班长,你说要快!
      [04:05.52]Jesus H. Christ. 天啊,这是最快的纪录
      [04:06.20]This is a new company record .
      [04:08.20]If it wasn’t a waste 真是一块当兵的材料
      [04:11.20]I’d recommend you for O.C.S., Private Gump. 我真想推荐你进官校
      [04:15.20]You’re going to be a general someday ! 阿甘,将来你会当将军
      [04:15.56]Now disassemble your weapon and continue! 分解武器,继续操练
      [04:19.56]Anyway, like I was saying, 我说过虾是海产食物
      [04:21.60]shrimp is the fruit of the sea.
      [04:24.92]You can barbecue it, boil it, broil7 it, 可以烤、煮、烧、烘、炒
      [04:29.28]They’s, uh, shrimp kabobs, shrimp creole, 有烤虾串、墨西哥烤虾
      [04:32.96]shrimp gumbo, pan fried, deep fried, 虾浓汤、平锅煎、深炸、拌炸
      [04:36.96]stir fried.
      [04:39.32]There’s pineapple shrimp 有凤梨虾、柠檬虾
      [04:40.64]and lemon shrimp, coconut8 shrimp,
      [04:43.40]pepper shrimp, 椰汁虾、胡椒虾
      [04:45.20]shrimp soup, shrimp stew9 , 鲜汤虾、炖虾、凉拌虾
      [04:46.20]shrimp salad,
      [04:49.88]shrimp in potatoes, 芋泥虾、虾堡、虾三明治…
      [04:51.24]shrimp sandwich.
      [04:55.24]That--That’s about it. 大概差不多了!

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      阿甘正传      

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