


时间:2022-02-14 14:43来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:53.02]Im not a trainer, but I can show you this if youd Iike. 我虽然不是训练师 但是如果你愿意的话我可以示范一下 [04:55.62]Appreciate any help I can get. 任何帮助我都会感激您 [04:59.18]What you wanna do
  • [04:53.02]I'm not a trainer, but I can show you this if you'd Iike. 我虽然不是训练师 但是如果你愿意的话我可以示范一下
    [04:55.62]Appreciate any help I can get. 任何帮助我都会感激您
    [04:59.18]What you wanna do is, you wanna think of it as a man, see? 你要做的是 你要把它看成是一个人,明白吗?

    [00:02.62]And he's constantly moving. 他在不停地移动

    [00:05.46]He's moving towards you, around you, away from you. AII right? 冲着你,绕着你 远离你,明白吗?

    [00:09.02]Don't hit him when he's coming towards you because he's just gonna push you back... 不要在他向你移动的时候击打他 因为他会把你向后推...

    [00:12.86]...he's gonna smother1 your punches and take your balance, right? ...化解你的击打 让你失去平衡,对吗?

    [00:17.86]So you watch him real carefully. 所以你要小心的注视他

    [00:18.66]Keep rotating. That keeps your head moving. 不停转动 这样你的头就一直在动

    [00:22.54]And keep one shoulder back so you're always ready to fire a power shot. 一个肩膀放在后侧 这样你随时可以打出一记重拳

    [00:26.14]Right? Go ahead, now. Good, good. Keep rotating, keep moving. That's it. 对吗?来,好,好 不停旋转,不停移动,好

    [00:30.06]Good, good. Keep that chin tucked in. 好,下巴收住

    [00:36.14]Come on around. Keep moving, keep moving. 继续 不停移动,不停移动

    [00:36.66]-Good, good, good. -Like that? - 好,好,好 - 象这样?

    [00:41.02]Yeah. Give it a few shots. 对,给它几下

    [00:44.02]Tuck that chin in, now. Tuck that chin in. 下巴收住 下巴收住

    [00:49.18]Yeah, that's good. That's good. 非常好,很好

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