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时间:2015-07-17 12:54来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[00:35.68]Ernestine, I have a comment. Ernestine有个人给我留言了 [00:44.10]My mother. Doesnt count. 是我妈,这个不算 [00:52.28]Today we will begin by learning to boil eggs. 今天我们开始学习如何煮鸡蛋 [00:58.00]F
  •   [00:35.68]Ernestine, I have a comment. Ernestine有个人给我留言了
      [00:44.10]My mother. Doesn’t count. 是我妈,这个不算
      [00:52.28]Today we will begin by learning to boil eggs. 今天我们开始学习如何煮鸡蛋
      [00:58.00]First, you must make sure that the egg is fresh. 首先你得确定鸡蛋是新鲜的
      [01:02.68]I was so hoping that... 我很希望...
      [01:08.08]Well, for something a little more advanced, Madame Brassart. 咱能学点更高级的东西 Brassart夫人
      [01:10.84]But you are not an advanced cook. 但是你并不是一个高级厨师
      [01:15.84]But I do know how to boil an egg. 可是我确切地知道如何煮鸡蛋
      [01:19.72]Do you know how to bone a duck? 那你知道怎么把鸭架取出吗?
      [01:21.56]No, but that’s exactly the sort of thing 不知道 但这正是我想学的
      [01:24.36]that I’m very interested in learning how to do. 我对此非常感兴趣
      [01:32.44]There is one other class, but you will not like it. 是有另一个班,但你不会喜欢的
      [01:37.08]It’s for professionnel, which you will never be, I’m sure. 它是为职业厨师专设的 我肯定你不会把它当作职业
      [01:42.64]All men. All GIs. 全都是男人,全都是厚重的书
      [01:46.36]And very expensive. 还非常贵
      [01:47.16]I cannot imagine that you would ever want to pay the tuition. 我无法想象你会愿意花这个钱去参加培训
      [01:52.68]How much? 多少?
      [01:55.28]So the onion is ready, but... 现在洋葱准备好了,但...
      [02:20.72]You must hold the knife, first of all, like this. 首先,你必须要拿好刀,像我这样
      [02:23.80]Wrist, easy. Leave the thumb here. 放松腕关节,拇指按在这儿
      [02:24.48]The hand and the knife are one. 刀手合一

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
