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时间:2015-07-17 12:55来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:29.56]And the hand, the other hand, you must protect it. 而且另一只手,你必须要保护好 [02:31.16]Here, you must cut only the onion. Yes? 像这样切洋葱就好,懂吗? [02:33.36]- Not me. - Yes. - 不是切我 - 是的
  •   [02:29.56]And the hand, the other hand, you must protect it. 而且另一只手,你必须要保护好
      [02:31.16]Here, you must cut only the onion. Yes? 像这样切洋葱就好,懂吗?
      [02:33.36]- Not me. - Yes. - 不是切我 - 是的
      [02:36.32]And then, you put your thumb here and the other fingers here. 然后拇指放这儿,其他指头放这儿
      [02:51.76]Jule? Jule?
      [02:53.64]You’re being a little over-competitive, don’t you think? 你不觉得你有点过于积极了?
      [02:57.12]Well, you should’ve seen the way those men looked at me. 你都没看见那些男人看我的眼神
      [02:58.72]As if I were some frivolous1 housewife, just looking for a way to kill time. 好像我就是个无所事事的家庭主妇 绞尽脑汁在找事情打发时间
      [03:08.84]Well... 好吧...
      [03:13.20]- Where are you going? - Not here. - 你去哪儿? - 离开这儿
      [03:15.72]- You hungry? - No. - 你饿了吗? - 没有
      [03:17.40]Good. 好
      [03:23.32]Ta-da! 嗒-哒
      [03:48.40]Well done, Madame Child. 做得好,Child夫人
      [03:54.48]Dear Avis, I’m in my third week at Le Cordon2 Bleu, 亲爱的Avis 这是我在Cordon Bleu学习的第三周了

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
