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时间:2015-07-17 12:54来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[04:33.52]- Do you think Julia knows about you? - I wish. - 你觉得Julia知道你吗? - 但愿吧 [04:35.40]I have this fantasy that she comes for dinner and I show her my new lemon zester. 我YY过她来我们家吃饭 我给她炫耀一
  •   [04:33.52]- Do you think Julia knows about you? - I wish. - 你觉得Julia知道你吗? - 但愿吧
      [04:35.40]I have this fantasy that she comes for dinner and I show her my new lemon zester. 我YY过她来我们家吃饭 我给她炫耀一下我的新柠檬削皮器
      [04:39.12]We become very close. 我们会很亲密的
      [04:44.16]The truth is, no one knows about me. 但事实是没人知道我的存在
      [04:47.68]I feel like I’m just sending things into this giant void. 感觉上我只是在把文字传到这片巨大的虚空之中
      [04:49.00]Which reminds me. Annabelle’s blog. Have you read it lately? 这让我想到Annabelle的博客 你最近读过它吗?
      [04:54.40]Yes. 是的
      [04:54.92]- It’s sort of funny. - Is it? - 挺有趣的说 - 是么?
      [04:59.40]She’s dating this rich guy who owns a plane. His name’s Lester. 她在和一个拥有私人飞机的男人约会 他叫Lester
      [00:02.64]And they do it in the air. People love it. It’s a huge hit. 他们还在空中做 大家都喜欢这些,这个很热门
      [00:08.60]What do you think it means if you don’t like your friends? 你们觉得如果不喜欢自己的朋友怎么办
      [00:11.60]- It’s completely normal. - Men like their friends. - 这个很正常 - 男人喜欢自己的朋友
      [00:15.88]We’re not talking about men. Who’s talking about men? 我们没在讨论男人 谁在讨论男人?
      [00:18.48]So it’s five weeks down, 47 to go, and I feel fantastic. 所以这五星期下来,还剩47道菜 我感觉好极了
      [00:23.92]Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder. Is there anyone out there reading me? 有时候我会情不自禁地幻想 在别处是否有我的读者?
      [00:28.28]But I’m sure you are, aren’t you? Somebody? 但我肯定你在看 对吧,某人?
      [00:33.48]Anybody? 谁谁谁?

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
