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时间:2015-07-17 12:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[03:30.72]Its simmering. 水开了 [03:32.92]I had this notion, God knows why, that poaching eggs would be simple. 我有个毫无征兆的感觉 荷包蛋会很简单 [03:36.16]But I was deeply wrong. 但是我真真错了 [03:38.64]Immedi
  •   [03:30.72]It’s simmering. 水开了
      [03:32.92]I had this notion, God knows why, that poaching eggs would be simple. 我有个毫无征兆的感觉 荷包蛋会很简单
      [03:36.16]But I was deeply wrong. 但是我真真错了
      [03:38.64]"Immediately and gently push the white over the yolk2 with a wooden spoon “用一个木勺迅速而温和地将蛋白覆盖在蛋黄上”
      [03:41.36]"for two to three seconds." Immediately. “两到三秒” 马上
      [03:49.20]Disgusting. 真恶心
      [03:51.68]Oh, maybe the eggs aren’t fresh. Julia says the eggs have to be fresh. 哦,也许鸡蛋不新鲜 Julia说要新鲜的鸡蛋
      [03:54.04]They are fresh. 它们很新鲜
      [03:56.28]Okay. You don’t have to bite my head off. I’m just quoting Julia. 好吧,你也没必要弄得像我欠你钱一样 我只不过在引用Julia的话
      [03:59.20]It took three of us, crammed12 into the kitchen over a pot of simmering water, 这让我们三个挤在厨房里 围着一锅沸腾的水
      [04:03.92]but, eventually, we nailed it. 但最后 我们成功了
      [04:07.52]- Hello. - Welcome. - 你好 - 欢迎
      [04:09.28]How cute is that? 这个真可爱啊?
      [04:11.84]And I ate my very first egg of my whole life, ever, ever, ever. 我吃了我这辈子,这一生中 第一枚鸡蛋
      [04:18.04]I thought eggs were going to be greasy13 and slimy, but it tastes like 我以为鸡蛋吃起来是油腻,黏糊糊的
      [04:22.32]cheese sauce. Yum. 但这吃起来倒像是,奶酪酱汁,好吃
      [04:27.36]Julia Child, you are so good. Julia Child你真棒
      [04:28.56]And, may I say, excellent wine? 还有,我得说这是美酒
      [04:28.68]- Cheers. - Cheers. - 干杯 - 干杯

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
