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时间:2015-07-17 12:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
[02:38.24]Im saying its good for me to have short-term goals. 我是说博客有利于帮助我制定短期目标 [02:41.52]Well, that is silly. That is just plain silly. 我不得不说,这样很傻,徒劳而已 [02:43.80]Whos reading
  •   [02:38.24]I’m saying it’s good for me to have short-term goals. 我是说博客有利于帮助我制定短期目标
      [02:41.52]Well, that is silly. That is just plain silly. 我不得不说,这样很傻,徒劳而已
      [02:43.80]Who’s reading this blog? 有谁会看你的博客?
      [02:45.68]People. People are reading it, I’m sure. 会有的,肯定有的,我相信
      [02:48.24]Well, it’s something you decided11 to do, 好吧,这是一件可做
      [02:49.72]and you can decide not to, and not one single person’s gonna mind. 可不做的事 反正没人理会
      [02:53.92]No. Don’t you get it? I just started. 不,你难道还不明白吗,我才起步
      [02:55.44]I can’t stop, I have to finish. It’s all I’ve got. 我不可能停止的,我一定要完成,这是我生命的所有
      [03:00.40]Hello? Hello? 喂?喂?
      [03:03.88]Stupid dead phone. 白痴电话
      [03:05.96]Hey, it’s not all you got. 嘿,这可不是你的全部
      [03:08.44]I know. I know. I didn’t mean that. 我知道,我知道,我又不是真的那么想
      [03:13.20]Yesterday, I poached an egg. 昨天,我做了个荷包蛋
      [03:17.60]It seemed like the perfect thing to do 在度过史上第二个糟糕工作日之后
      [03:18.28]on perhaps the second worst workday in recorded history. 那貌似是很好的放松方式
      [03:20.84]Explain to me how you’ve never eaten an egg in your whole life. 跟我说说,你为啥从来不吃鸡蛋?
      [03:24.44]I’ve had eggs in, like, cakes. 我吃含鸡蛋的,比如说,蛋糕
      [03:27.32]Never had an "egg" egg. I was a very willful child. 从没吃过“蛋一样”的蛋 我是个很随性的小孩

    热门TAG:怎样背单词      经典英文台词      英文电影台词      朱莉与朱莉娅      
